
Wanbli Ceya

I am an Oglala Lakota koskolaka (young man) based off the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. I sing and I write, having released my debut project “tempo” as well as spoken word poetry that capture various aspects of Lakota identity, with love with native women playing a big role and using that core theme in leveling out different topics so prevalent in Indian Country. I do this as I see a desperate need to counteract society’s influences in order for my people and other indigenous communities to regain identities properly. I am avidly working towards starting an immersion tipi village, with the intention of bringing back Lakota language, practices, beliefs in a manner that has not been done in a very long time. I see this as a valid initiative as the housing situation currently creates unnatural dissonance between our own people. I just am a Lakota man who dreams for a better society for his Lakota people and Unci Maka (Mother Earth) and hopes many others hop on board with sharing my story so I can be as influential as I dream to be! is where my music can be heard (:

-Wanbli Ceya (Oglala Lakota Nation), age 22, is from Pine Ridge Reservation and is passionate about Lakota identity, language, practices, writing songsand helping others get back on the right path.

Hi auntie, My great great grandma was indigenous and my grandpa never found out much. I’ve felt “called” to know more. Am I allowed to follow the path? Or because she was my great great is that too far back to try and reconnect with heritage now?

see answer