What is intimacy?

Intimacy is often found in relationships. Intimacy represents a close connection with another, rooted in trust, love, respect, comfort and safety. Without these seeds, it can be difficult for intimacy to grow. Looking at some of the forms of intimacy, there is sexual intimacy and non-romantic intimacy. Sexual intimacy is…
Answered by Uncle Paige
Topics: Mental Health, Relationships, Sexual Health

Hi Uncle, I’m embarrassed about going to a community college while all my friends are going to big universities.. is it okay to go to a community college first and then transfer?

Thanks for asking this question. First, let me say congratulations on wanting to continue your growth through the pursuit of education. Answering your question. Yes! It is okay to go to community college first, and then transfer. More and more people are starting to recognize the benefits of going to…
Answered by Uncle Paige
Topics: Education, Identity, Life Tips