Why am I ugly?

Dear Auntie, Why am I ugly? Thanks for writing in. The matter-of-fact way you wrote your question leads me to think you really believe this. Somehow the idea of you being ‘ugly’ has crept into your belief system. How did that happen? A lot of what we believe to be…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Identity, Mental Health, Physical Health

I might need summer school

Auntie, I might need to do summer school…. Is that a bad thing, and will my friends think I’m dumb? Hey there! Thanks for the question. So there are a lot of reasons why people go to summer school, like taking college credits to graduate early, or to catch up,…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Life Tips

What should I do this summer?

 What should I do this summer?  Hey there. Good question! So when I first thought of this question, I thought, ‘Oh, well I’ve got a list of things you could do!’ But, then I thought of how rare it was for me as a teenager to actually think about what…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Activism, Education