Hello Auntie, I’m 1/64 Cherokee and my parents don’t know much about the culture, and I don’t know my grandparents. I was wondering if it was still okay for me to learn about my culture and if I could, where do I start?

Hi Oak, Thanks for reaching out! Identity and knowing who we are is one of the most important journeys we can walk. I encourage you to explore your identity. This is a great start. There are many ways you can do this, yet there is no right or wrong way…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Life Tips, Non-Native Allies

I’m a Chumash native Americans on my mother’s side. I live in Sacramento. Both my mother and grandmother has enrollment numbers. I am being harass by the legal officials here in Sacramento. Like hacking my phone constantly being followed. ECT… Im homeless and have been trying to get out of my situation. Ever place I get refused or ECT. I need help

Dear Dan, Thanks for writing in. It sounds like you are in a really stressful situation and I’m glad you reached out for help. I’m happy to help in any way I can. To start off, if you are being harassed by legal officials, it can be helpful to know…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Identity, Life Tips, Mental Health

Hi Auntie. So I want to start with saying my family is very diverse and disconnected I’m very white passing but on my moms side we have a lot of indigenous blood from multiple tribes how do I find where I fit in and with who? Also what’s the best way to learn more about my family since we are so disconnected?

Dear Akecheta, Thanks for reaching out! Identity and knowing who we are is one of the most important journeys we can walk. I encourage you to explore your identity. This is a great start. There are many ways you can do this, yet there is no right or wrong way…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Identity, Life Tips, Non-Native Allies

Hello, I have Native heritage but live in central Europe (long story). I’ve never come into contact with anyone native so I wanted to ask if you know of any communities here? I’d like to learn jingle dancing and I’d love for someone to teach me. Thank you! Jane.

Hi Jane, Identity and knowing who we are is one of the most important journeys we can walk. I encourage you to explore your identity. This is a great start. A few people have asked me about how to start jingle dancing, and here are my answers: Another…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity