Are there still sweat lodges ?

Are there still sweat lodges available? Yes. Many tribes still use sweat lodges in their traditional practices. Generally, sweat lodge ceremonies are lead by an elder of a tribe as purification, healing, or a rebirthing process. The exact details including the type of structure, and specific ceremonial practices differ from…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity

I wasn’t raised in my culture. How do I go about the reconnection process without seeming like a pretendian?

I wasn’t raised in my culture, homeland, or languages, I’m Métis and Eastern European, and I’m the palest. How do I go about the reconnection process without seeming like a pretendian/feeling like I’m taking native spaces? Thank you for submitting this important question, there is a lot to talk about…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Spirituality

Are Indigenous people from Canada and Central America and South America allowed in Native American spaces?

Are Indigenous people from Canada and Central America and South America allowed in Native American spaces? Or is it meant for Indigenous people in the United States? Hi Carlos, Thanks for reaching out. Federally recognized tribes are considered sovereign nations. Reservations are generally open to the public. However, there are…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Non-Native Allies, Spirituality