What is intimacy?

Intimacy is often found in relationships. Intimacy represents a close connection with another, rooted in trust, love, respect, comfort and safety. Without these seeds, it can be difficult for intimacy to grow. Looking at some of the forms of intimacy, there is sexual intimacy and non-romantic intimacy. Sexual intimacy is…
Answered by Uncle Paige
Topics: Mental Health, Relationships, Sexual Health

My boyfriend is native, but he’s fairly light skinned and his family separated from their tribe years ago. He isn’t confident in who he is and is always doubting his roots though we both know he is apache. How can I help him? What can we do to connect him

What a great friend and girlfriend you are. As Indigenous people, we have a very long and devastating history that has stolen so much of our culture, languages, and identity. But there’s no need for that anymore. With great allies like yourself and brave people like your boyfriend, we can…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Education, Identity, Non-Native Allies, Relationships

how can i manage my anger

Hey Uncle here! Short answer; practice, patience, understanding and a lifetime devotion to fighting a lifetime concern. This is a two part answer: Part 1: Identification. Begin to Identify why you are angry. Folk don’t always associate the underlying reasons for their anger. Anger is usually rooted in emotions like…
Topics: Identity, Mental Health, Relationships

Can cocaine hurt me?

It’s not unusual for people to feel confused about taking drugs. You might be feeling pressure from your friends or classmates, or you might be curious about what using cocaine would be like. While movies, music, and T.V. shows can make cocaine seem cool, fun, or even glamorous, there are…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Mental Health, Physical Health, Relationships