Introducing Auntie Amanda

Hi everyone…it’s been awhile since I’ve done a video telling you more about myself. So for starters, I’m from the Zuni Pueblo in NM, which is a matrilineal tribe, meaning the family is traced back through the woman’s side and basically, she’s the boss. I have three brothers; I’m the…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: 2SLGBTQ, Activism, Culture and Language, Education, Identity, Intolerance, Life Tips, Mental Health, Non-Native Allies, Physical Health, Relationships, Sexual Health, Spirituality

How do you know if someone loves you

Dear Auntie, how do you know if someone loves you? Ooh, good question! 🙂 So what do you feel? What is your gut telling you? This should be your first indication of how a person feels about you. I’m assuming you’re talking about romantic love…because as a teen-anger, you’re probably…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Life Tips, Relationships

I might need summer school

Auntie, I might need to do summer school…. Is that a bad thing, and will my friends think I’m dumb? Hey there! Thanks for the question. So there are a lot of reasons why people go to summer school, like taking college credits to graduate early, or to catch up,…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Life Tips

Does where you study matter?

Well, if you’re trying to study for a major exam while you’re out watching your little brother play for the State tournament…then ‘Yes, where youstudy definitely matters’. So where is the best place for you to study? Are you organized? Then “Read Here”: If you’re a person who has their…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Life Tips