Are there still sweat lodges ?

Are there still sweat lodges available? Yes. Many tribes still use sweat lodges in their traditional practices. Generally, sweat lodge ceremonies are lead by an elder of a tribe as purification, healing, or a rebirthing process. The exact details including the type of structure, and specific ceremonial practices differ from…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity

I wasn’t raised in my culture. How do I go about the reconnection process without seeming like a pretendian?

I wasn’t raised in my culture, homeland, or languages, I’m Métis and Eastern European, and I’m the palest. How do I go about the reconnection process without seeming like a pretendian/feeling like I’m taking native spaces? Thank you for submitting this important question, there is a lot to talk about…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Spirituality

Can you bead a condom?

Can you bead a condom? Good question. No you cannot bead a condom if you’re planning on using it for sex, though it may look pretty rad. You never want to put holes or sharp objects, like scissors or beading needles near a condom you’re planning on using. That’s because…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Life Tips, Sexual Health

I have been vegan for about eight months. I have been looked down upon by the Native community. How do I approach this issue?

Question: I have been vegan for about eight months now because I know it’s best for the earth, animals, and my health. However, I have been looked down upon by the Native community because it is not traditional. How do I approach this issue? Thank you for your question. There…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Mental Health, Physical Health