I have a favorite black polyester skirt, could I turn it into a ribbon skirt by adding ribbon, or are ribbon skirts always out of calico/cotton?

You do you girl! Ribbon skirts are about women being empowered and remembering our sacredness, Tala Tootoosis shares that “It’s teaching them [women] to be empowered and that they already are resilient. Women already have power. A woman is protection because she is a woman. And when you have that…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity

In the last 6 months I have had a bird of prey known as a "Prairie Falcoln" swooping down over my car. Last March, while sitting in my car at work, one actually landed on the roof of my car and looked at me! What does it mean?

Hello Steven, This is an interesting question. There can be many interpretations of seeing birds of prey or having them show up in your environment. Hawks are birds of prey and many Native American traditions use hawk feathers in their regalia and in ceremony’s. Hawks scan their environment from high…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Spirituality

Hello. My name is Maya. I’m half black and half Native American but I struggle with my Native American heritage. My mother has light eyes and light skin, almost white. What should I do if we both don’t feel native enough? My grandparents had more NA fts

Hi Maya. You’re not alone in feeling this way. I have people write to me all the time about not feeling “Native enough”. Being half-Zuni, I have felt this myself. What I can tell you, is that you are enough… of everything. Many people of different backgrounds share this experience.…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity

I found a rectangular white stone in southern lake Huron with 4 brown horizontal lines ground into it. I was told it was a native American artifact. Do you know what this is and the meaning behind it?

Oh, how interesting. If you could get more information from the person who told you it was a Native American artifact you could start an internet search to start narrowing things down, as there are a few tribes that surround the Great Lakes. You might also try to take a…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Education, Life Tips

How do I become a pow wow fancy shawl dancer ? I am 18 and I know how to dance inter tribal dances and my mom was a jingle dress dancer when she was younger and my grandmother was a fancy shawl dancer, how do I register?

Go you! The first thing I would encourage you to do is to get a mentor. This person can help guide you through all the things you’ll need to get started. They can coach you on regalia making, dancing with the traditions of style, meaning, and etiquette. Though you might…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity

Hi Auntie! My name is Sophia and I’m just curious to know if my really Yaqui descendent. There is only one problem : I live in Germany. Is there a way to get DNA test and send it from here? Or should I have to be in the US for this?

Hi Sophia! It sounds like you’ve heard from someone that you may be Yaqui… pretty cool! If you’re looking to find out more, see if you can get more information from the person/ people you heard this from. Asking around is great way to discover more about your lineage. If…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity