I work at a homeless shelter and would like to start drumming with our indigenous women but I feel like I don’t know enough about my culture to teach them. Any tips?

Hi Jasmine, It takes a lot of courage to reconnect to yourself and share that with others. I’m proud of you. We know that music-making, especially when doing it with others can have an incredibly positive impact on one’s physical, spiritual health, and mental health. And, it can greatly impact…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Spirituality

Hi Auntie, Thank you. I am a non-Native person & been gifted white sage grown by a white friend. I’ve heard not to buy or use it. I want to honor these wishes. Should I stop using the plant I was gifted? Is there a way to give reparations for my use?

You may have heard folks talking about buying locally and environmentally friendly cultivated sage, especially by Indigenous folks. We certainly encourage this especially because most commercial white sage comes from California and with annual wildfires and drought this is not a sustainable practice. If, however, your friend has sourced his…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Education, Identity, Non-Native Allies

How can I find my ancestors clan? I have her name but not her maiden name and I called the Mescalero Apache office. They said all parents have to be registered. My grandma is the only one who would qualify under blood quantum, and her mom is 1/2 MA.

Hi there! Well, there’s no time like the present to start uncovering more about where you come from.  It seems like talking to your grandma (if you haven’t already) would be a great place to start.By asking her simple questions like, “Can you tell me what names you mom used,…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Education, Identity, Non-Native Allies

I’ve been having this repeated dream about a mountain lion which attacks me by a river but I fight it off the it turns into a wolf and it almost drowns but I save it. What does this mean!

I’ve been having this repeated dream about a mountain lion which attacks me by a river but I fight it off the it turns into a wolf and it almost drowns but I save it. What does this mean! Hi Montrey! Dreams are such a fascinating story to tap into.…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Spirituality

I know opinion can vary, but do you think it is ok for white people to wear feathers in their hair? Not eagle feathers, since those have special significance, but ones like robin or chickadee that you find on the ground.

You’re right in saying there are lots of varied opinions on the topic of wearing feathers, especially because feathers like eagle feathers are considered sacred because of the relationship and proximity that eagles have with the heavens and the Creator. It’s a symbol of our connection with the above. However,…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity

Can I use the name “sk-nwalker” on a podcast where that creature is a villain in the book I’m covering? Or is that disrespectful and I should call it by another name?

You’re right in seeking guidance on using this taboo term. I appreciate you approaching this with caution. Being Zuni and living near Navajo people, we were taught to be weary of animals, especially near sunrise or sunset when witches were more likely to be out. Clearly you know this topic…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Activism, Culture and Language, Identity, Non-Native Allies