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Laws that protect indigenous families

I will like to know what are the laws that protect indigenous families all over the Americas? You’ll hear Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) when talking about Indigenous families in North America. This was in response to the separation and sometimes forced removal of Native children from their homes and…

Are there still sweat lodges ?

Are there still sweat lodges available? Yes. Many tribes still use sweat lodges in their traditional practices. Generally, sweat lodge ceremonies are lead by an elder of a tribe as purification, healing, or a rebirthing process. The exact details including the type of structure, and specific ceremonial practices differ from…

How should I help my friend stop smoking?

What a great friend you are! The good news is that people can stop smoking even though it may be hard. Cold turkey – means quitting all together Slow but Steady – slowly cutting down until you’re no longer smoking Support Groups – are especially helpful for teens. Check with…

My white family is disrespectful of native culture. What do I do?

My white family is disrespectful of native culture. What do I do? Not being appreciated for your native heritage can be difficult, especially if it’s coming from your family members who you want to love and respect. There are a couple of things you can do:  Educate – if you…