My test from Indigi-IWTK came back positive, now what?

First off, big kudos to you for getting tested! STIs are super common and can often have no symptoms at all, so I’m glad you took advantage of the free, at-home testing kit.

After your results were received from the lab, you’ll have received a private message to your email, text, or both. This message will have asked you to visit your account, login, and find your I Want the Kit account dashboard where your detailed test report is.  

Since your results came back positive, you’ll receive a call from a healthcare representative who can help you access treatment. I know a positive test result might be scary, but talking to a healthcare provider will help alleviate your concerns and will connect you to treatment options that are right for you.

Remember, the I Want the Kit team is here to help, so let us know if you need support. Our contact information is linked below.

Big pat on the back to you!

Auntie Alessandra

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Topics: Sexual Health