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Humor is Sexy (Sometimes)

There are many qualities that can make someone sexy or attractive. Physical appearance is just one of them. Personality traits, like humor, can also be attractive. This article addresses why humor is sexy, as well as times when it may be inappropriate to use humor. Why is Humor So Attractive?…
Categories: Communicating, Dating, My Relationships

Level Up Your Self-Love Game

We’ve all heard the phrase “love yourself.” But, what does loving yourself actually mean, and how do you do it? Self-love means accepting yourself fully, treating yourself with kindness and respect, and appreciating what makes you you. You may already work to cultivate self-love, but you can take it to…
Categories: Feeling Good, Feeling Healthy, Self Esteem

Environmental Change and Our Mental Health

As Indigenous people, we know that connecting to our land is connecting to our culture. But what happens when our cultural practices are disrupted by environmental changes? Environmental Injustice Many of us are aware of environmental injustices that affect our communities – from pipelines cutting through sacred Tribal lands to…
Categories: Cultivating Good Mental Health, Feeling Good, Land

When and How to Quit a Job

If you have a job, you’ve probably dreaded going in at least once. Whether it’s because you want five extra minutes of sleep, or maybe you’ve had a long school day and the three hour shift at your local restaurant is not something you’re looking forward to. For many of…
Categories: Becoming Independent, Life Tips, Life Transitions

Types of Abortion

Abortion is a safe and effective medical procedure that ends a pregnancy.   There are two types of abortion available – the abortion pill and in-clinic abortion.   The Abortion Pill  The abortion pill, also known as “medication abortion,” is a safe way to end an early pregnancy.   It involves taking two…
Categories: Birth Control, Health Care, My Body, My Relationships, Pregnancy, Sexual Health

Tips for Forming Deeper Relationships

Relationships, whether they are romantic or platonic, impact our daily lives.  This article offers tips for deepening your relationships. Some of these tips are around consent, respecting boundaries, and offering emotional support.   Respecting Boundaries   Boundaries are the lines we draw when it comes to relationships, work, time, and so…
Categories: Relationships and Dating

What I Love About My Body

When I was a teenager there was little to no information about body positivity or loving your body traits. However, it’s crucially important to know that it’s totally normal to be insecure about certain things – like stretch marks, hair texture, eye shape, and skin tone. So, I wrote this…
Categories: Eating Well, Feeling Good, Feeling Healthy, My Body, Self Esteem