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Assessing a Relationship

Sometimes relationships work well and are easy, and other times they can be hard and you might wonder if they’re even worth it! In assessing a relationship with another person, you might want to consider some of the following questions:  Are you getting what you want from the relationship?  Are…
Categories: Dating, My Relationships

Am I Normal?

Face it: bodies can be kind of confusing. But it’s important to get to know your body — where things are, how things work, and how to care for yourself — so you can make good decisions about your sexual health. You don’t need to worry about whether your breasts,…

Abusive Relationships

Not all relationships work out, no matter how much we might want them to. When a relationship becomes violent or destructive, it can be both physically and emotionally dangerous for the people involved. Key signs of an abusive relationship. Signs to watch out for before the relationship becomes physically violent…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, My Relationships, Unhealthy Relationships

A Guy’s Guide to Sex Myths

Rumors and myths about sex are everywhere. Between what you hear from your friends and what you see on TV, it can be hard to know what’s true and what’s false when it comes to doing the deed. But if you’re thinking about having sex, it’s important that you know…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health

A Girl’s Guide to Sex Myths

It’s easy to be confused about sex. There are so many mixed messages and myths around sex, it can be hard to know what’s true and what’s not. Before you decide to have sex, it’s important that you know the facts. Here are some important facts about contraception, pregnancy, sexually…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health

A Few Definitions: Gender and Sexual Identity

Biological Sex: Your biological sex is the way your body was made. Most people’s bodies are male or female. Male: Most mammals, including humans, are genetically determined by their chromosomes – males have an XY sex chromosome Female: Females have an XX sex chromosome Intersex: It is also possible to be…
Categories: My Relationships, Sexual Identity