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Bump Ball

Bump ball is a simple field game that requires some playing space about the size of half a basketball court and not quite as wide. It is played with two end zones where you score your points as players try to get the ball across the goal line. The game…
Categories: Traditional Games and Sports

Being Transgender: What Does it Mean to Transition, Should I do it?

Some people who come out as transgender are comfortable telling a close circle of friends. Other people choose to change their name, their pronouns (like going from being called “he” to “she”), their style of dress, and their appearance to be congruent with their gender identity. Still others choose to…
Categories: LGBT - Two Spirit

Being Transgender: Sexual Orientation

What Does Being Transgender Mean About My Sexual Orientation? Am I Gay or Straight or What? Being transgender has to do with your gender identity: how you feel about who you are. It has nothing to do with your sexual orientation, which is about who you are attracted to. Some…
Categories: Home Page, LGBT - Two Spirit

Being Transgender: Coming Out

Some young people who are transgender feel a great relief that they have discovered how they are most comfortable expressing themselves. Whom Should I Tell? There is no obligation to tell anyone about your identity. However, many people find it very important to share who they are with others, especially…
Categories: LGBT - Two Spirit

Being Transgender

Transgender people are people whose biological sex doesn’t match up exactly with what they think or feel as their true gender. This includes people that are born female who identify as a man and people born male who identify as a woman. Transgender people also include people who identify as”gender…
Categories: LGBT - Two Spirit

Being Gay

Men usually describe themselves as gay when they find that they are physically, emotionally and sexually attracted to other men. It’s not uncommon for men to have homosexual experiences and feelings as part of exploring their sexuality. However, it is important to remember that just because at some point in…
Categories: LGBT - Two Spirit

Being Bisexual

People who are physically and sexually attracted to both men and women usually identify themselves as bisexual. However, not everyone who has had feelings or experiences with both men and women describe themselves as bisexual. Some people find bisexuality hard to understand, but remember: there’s nothing “wrong” about feeling or…
Categories: LGBT - Two Spirit

Being a Lesbian

Women usually describe themselves as lesbian when they find that they are physically, emotionally and sexually attracted to other women. However, it is important to remember that just because a woman experiences an attraction to women, she doesn’t have to call herself as lesbian. It is your choice how you…
Categories: LGBT - Two Spirit, My Relationships

Becoming a Father

Finding out you’re going to be a father can take you by surprise. It’s normal to feel a variety of emotions—like disbelief, anger, fear or happiness—allat the same time. It’s important to take time to understand your feelings, but keep in mind while it can take time to adjust to…
Categories: Pregnancy

Beadwork: Tips and Supplies

Here is a link to a website that offers diagrams on how to begin beading. And here are tips to begin the journey… Disclaimer: Many artists have different preferences for things such as materials and techniques. These are mine, but if you know someone who does it differently, that…
Categories: My Culture, Traditional Stories and Teachings


“Native American beadwork is an art form created by indigenous peoples. There are two forms. One involves the use of a loom. The other is called applique embroidery. Small seed beads were originally imported from Czechoslovakia, and Czech beads are still the gold standard for beadwork. Long, thin needles are…
Categories: Traditional Stories and Teachings

Assimilation, Relocation, Genocide

Since first contact, Native Americans have been given three choices — which weren’t really choices at all. Assimilate The first “choice” was for a tribe to assimilate into the dominant American culture, become “civilized,” give up tribal ways and be absorbed into America society. Many tribes tried this, many times…
Categories: History, My Culture