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Native American elders are revered individuals who provide wisdom and leadership for their Tribes by exuding grace, wisdom, and gentleness in their daily words and actions. A Native American is usually considered an Elder when they are above the age of sixty to sixty five, although it varies from Tribe…
Categories: Traditional Stories and Teachings

Double Ball

Double ball is similar to lacrosse, but is played with sticks around waist high that each player holds. The game ball is usually two smaller balls just smaller than tennis balls wrapped in some type of hide that connects them both. The game ball must have around 6 inches of…
Categories: Traditional Games and Sports

Do I Want a Relationship?

Only you can decide if you want a relationship. It’s okay to take some time to decide if a relationship is right for you. In making this decision, you might want to consider what you want from a relationship. Am I ready for a relationship? It’s not unusual to want…
Categories: Dating

Creation Story – Warm Springs

Long ago, long before the coming of the great flood, the Cocoon Man floated in a time beyond measuring. For years without number, he floated, until finally, he began to become aware of himself. And as one becomes aware of oneself, one becomes aware of one’s limitations, and so the…
Categories: Traditional Stories and Teachings

Coyote’s Carelessness

Coyote was going along and he came to a river where five pretty sisters were bathing and washing clothes some distance from each other. “What pretty girls,” Coyote said to himself. “I wonder how I can enjoy them all.” He thought a little and then turned himself into a baby…
Categories: Traditional Stories and Teachings

Coyote Dances With A Star

Because the Great Mystery Power had given Coyote much of his medicine, Coyote himself grew very powerful and very conceited. There was nothing, he believed that he couldn’t do. He even thought he was more powerful than the Great Mystery, for Coyote was sometimes wise but also a fool. One…
Categories: Traditional Stories and Teachings

Coyote And The Mallard Duck

As Coyote was traveling up the river when he saw five mallard duck girls swimming on the other side, he hid himself in the bushes and became aroused right away. Then he thought out a plan to satisfy himself. Coyote lengthened his penis and let it fall into the river.…
Categories: Traditional Stories and Teachings

Coming Out

“Coming out” is the acknowledgement of your sexual identity. It can be personal or shared, and often means: Telling others you’re attracted to people of the same sex Identifying yourself as gay, lesbian, or bisexual Telling others that you identify as transgender Deciding to tell others about your feelings and…
Categories: LGBT - Two Spirit


Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection – in fact, it’s the most commonly passed sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the United States. Chlamydia can affect the penis, cervix, fallopian tubes, anus, throat and – in rare cases – the eyes. It can cause serious health problems such as pelvic…
Categories: Sexual Health, STDs

Child Abuse

Child abuse occurs when a parent or caregiver acts in a way that causes a child to be hurt physically or harmed emotionally, or fails to act to prevent such harm. When a person is abused as a child, the harm inflicted can impact them throughout their lives. People who…
Categories: Abuse and Violence

California Genocide

Genocide is a strong word denoting a planned extermination of a racial, political or cultural group. It should not be used lightly. But what happened to the indigenous tribes of California qualifies as genocide, and that history is explored in A Seat at the Drum. For thousands of years, the…
Categories: History