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Violence occurs when one person uses power and control over another through physical, sexual, or emotional threats or actions, economic control, isolation, or other kinds of coercive behavior. Some different types of interpersonal violence include: Abuse is any behavior toward another person that is physically violent or involves emotional coercion,…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, Dating violence and sexual assault, My Relationships

Indian Boarding Schools

In the late 1800s, Native Americans were losing the U.S-Indian wars, particularly after the Civil War freed up troops to patrol the West. But there was still the “Indian problem.” Native Americans were still called savages living in the midst of civilized farmers. By the 1870s, Indian reform groups were…
Categories: History, My Culture


The implant is a flexible plastic rod about the size of a matchstick, which has a progestin hormone. How does it work to prevent pregnancy? It is placed under the skin of the woman’s arm and the hormone is slowly released into the body over three years. The hormone stops…
Categories: Birth Control, Sexual Health

I’m Single and I’m Happy

Sometimes you might feel like everybody around you is in a relationship. This can be tough, especially if you feel pressure to be in a relationship. Remember: It’s O.K. to be single and happy! Everyone is different. We all want different things out of life. There are lots of good…
Categories: Dating

If I Go to a Clinic, Will they Tell My Parents?

If you’re 18 or older, your medical records are private according to the law. Any information that health staff receive or discuss with you at a clinic is completely confidential and cannot be shared with your parents or people you know without your permission. Regardless of your age, health care…
Categories: Sexual Health, STDs

I Think I’m Pregnant

Figuring out if you’re pregnant is not always an easy thing to do. If you aren’t planning a pregnancy, you might be worried and scared. These feelings are normal. When you’re pregnant the following things might happen: You miss a period;  You’re tired and don’t have much energy;  You might…
Categories: Pregnancy, Sexual Health


HPV Facts: HPV is a virus that causes genital warts Certain types of HPV can increase the risk of cervical cancer in women HPV is the most common viral STD Genital warts can be treated, but not cured There is a vaccine that can prevent the most common types of…
Categories: Sexual Health, STDs

How to Talk to Your Partner About Getting Tested

Here are some tips that can help get the conversation started. It’s all about feeling confident in knowing that you are doing the right thing! Many people are happy to find out how supportive their partner can be and how this conversation can bring them closer together. Time it Right.…
Categories: Sexual Health, STDs

How to Talk to Your Health Provider About Getting Tested

You can’t assume that you, or your health care provider for that matter, would know if you had an STD as most often there are no symptoms. That’s right,you can’t tell just by “looking.” So don’t wait for your health care provider to talk to you about getting tested. Take…
Categories: Sexual Health, STDs

How Does Pregnancy Happen

Every day men create sperm in their testicles. When a man has an orgasm (and ejaculates), millions of sperm are released within the fluid that’s oftencalled “cum.” The more formal name is “semen.” Once a month, a woman releases an egg from one of her ovaries. The fallopian tube takes…
Categories: Pregnancy, Sexual Health


The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, commonly known as HIV, is spread when infected bodily fluids from one person enter another person’s body. Pre-cum, semen, vaginal fluids, blood, and breast milk are the fluids that can transmit the virus. HIV attacks the very cells which normally defend the body against illness. Eventually,…
Categories: Sexual Health, STDs