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The Real Story about Dental Dams

Giving and receiving oral sex can be fun and feel good. But if you and your partner don’t use protection, you increase your risk for sexually transmitted infections. For oral sex on a penis, an external (male) condom can be used. Some are flavored to make oral sex enjoyable for…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health, STDs

Internal Condom Instructions

***Remember to always check the expiration date and package of any condom product to make sure that the item is safe to use! Expired or compromised condoms can affect product quality and/or durability, possibly resulting in an unintended pregnancy and/or STI transmission.*** How to Use an Internal Condom (Video):…
Categories: Birth Control, My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health, Virginity

Top 10 Sex Myths

MYTH #10: If I use birth control, I don’t need to worry about STDs – right? FACT: Birth control methods, like the pill, patch, Depo, ring, and IUD, while very effective at preventing pregnancy, do NOT protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV. Condoms are the only method of…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health

Take Notes: How to Not Misgender Your New Friend Crush

Understanding Pronouns & Misgendering Misgendering is when you refer to someone using pronouns that they don’t use to describe themself. Examples of someone’s pronouns include: they/them, she/her, he/him, she/they, and he/they. A person might also use any pronouns, no pronouns at all, or neopronouns (such as xe/xir). There’s no way…
Categories: Communicating, Friendships, LGBT - Two Spirit, My Relationships

Tips for Saving

So, you’re thinking about getting that car you’ve been eyeing, or you want to take a well-deserved vacation. Maybe you’re going to college and need to set aside money for tuition and school supplies. Saving money will help you accomplish these and other financial goals. It can also help you…
Categories: Becoming Independent, Life Tips, Life Transitions

History of the Sterilization of Native Women

It is no secret that the federal government has tried for centuries to colonize and control Indigenous peoples – from the forced removals of our ancestors to their placement in boarding schools. An important part of this history is the forced sterilization of Native women. What is Sterilization? Sterilization is…
Categories: History, Identity, My Relationships, Pregnancy