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Man in the Maze

“The maze is a symbol of life … happiness, sadness … and you reach your goal … there’s a dream there, and you reach that dream when you get to the middle of the maze … that’s how I was told, my grandparents told me that’s how the maze is.”…
Categories: My Culture, Traditional Stories and Teachings

Male Condoms

Condoms are thin sheaths most often made out of latex (rubber). Male condoms are worn on the penis while it is inside the partner. How effective is it in preventing pregnancy? Typically, only 15 of 100 couples will have a pregnancy in the first year in opposite sex sexual relationships.…
Categories: Birth Control, My Relationships, Sexual Health

Maintaining a Happy Relationship

Even when a relationship is going good, it’s important to work at it and not take it – or the person you’re dating – for granted. The best way to keep a relationship strong, healthy and growing is for you to be aware of your own needs and expectations and…
Categories: Dating, My Relationships

Losing Your Virginity

It seems like everyone talks about sex; your friends, characters on TV, magazines, movies and maybe even your family. Sometimes it’s hard to work out what’s true, or what information you need to make a decision about having sex for the first time. It’s normal to feel excited or anxious…
Categories: My Relationships, Virginity

Looking After Your Child

Because the first years of a child’s life are the most important (these are when people develop the most), it’s crucial that your baby is raised in a healthyand secure environment. Here are a few practical matters to remember as you become a parent: Have a place to call home.…
Categories: My Relationships, Pregnancy

Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships can be any type of relationship, including family, romantic or a friendship. Benefits of long distance relationships. Long distance relationships can be as good as regular relationships. Some positive things about having a long distance relationship include: Space and independence. Not having someone living nearby can be…
Categories: Dating, My Relationships

Legend of the Origin of Baskets

Long ago, there was a young woman whom we would call in our language “aiyaiyesh” meaning “stupid” or “lazy.” While all the other young people of her age helped their elders, the aiyaih girl would sit beneath the Cedar Tree, day after day and all day long, watching the world…
Categories: My Culture, Traditional Stories and Teachings

Leaving Home

When you leave home—perhaps for college, or to move out and start your first real job— whether you are living with roommates, friends, or extended family members, the feelings of excitement, nervousness, or possibly apprehension can be strong. At first, it can seem like an adventure, but soon, you may…
Categories: My Culture, Rez Life - Urban Life


A man and an eagle were flying one day, the man’s hair caught up in the flow and rhythm of the eagle’s vibrant wings as they flapped. The eagle and the man, together, seemed to make one whole spirit. For the man’s spirit was incomplete without the eagle’s surplus spirit…
Categories: Language, My Culture


Lacrosse is a traditional game that has been played by many of the original North American tribes. The game is played with lacrosse sticks for each player and two goals, one at each end. With a large playing field, the goals should have a little space behind them so you…
Categories: My Culture, Traditional Games and Sports

IUD: Intrauterine Device

An IUD is a plastic “T” shaped device (about an inch and a half tall) that is placed inside a woman’s uterus. There are 2 types available—one with copper metal and one with progestin hormone. It is inserted during an office visit by a medical provider. The copper IUD lasts…
Categories: Birth Control, My Body, Sexual Health

Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is abuse that takes place between two people who have a romantic relationship. Many people also use the word “domestic violence,” but this type of violence can occur in many forms and can affect people of any age, including teens. Intimate partner violence may include: Physical…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, Dating violence and sexual assault