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Geronimo, Crazy Horse, Chief Joseph Jesus, I wanna be the poet who writes about the powwows the first one to describe how the smell of sweetgrass trails behind the Indian dancer with his long dark hair, eagle feathers swirling in soft curls on his bustle, and how the jingles on…
Categories: My Culture, PowWow

Pap Smear Screening

A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is part of a pelvic exam. A Pap test is usually done in the first few years after you have become sexually active and then yearly after that or when you turn 21, whichever comes first. It is the only way to…
Categories: Sexual Health, STDs

Ojibwe Dreamcatcher Legend

This is the way the old Ojibwe say Spider Woman helped bring Grandfather Sun back to the people. To this day, Spider Woman will build her special lodge before dawn. If you are awake at dawn—as you should be—look for her lodge and you will see how she captured the…
Categories: My Culture, Wellness and Healing

No Method: Wishing and Hoping

Wishing and hoping is not really a method. It doesn’t work! How effective is it in preventing pregnancy? NOT effective at all! 85 of 100 couples would be pregnant by the end of a year—this is the same pregnancy rate as those who are trying to get pregnant. How effective…
Categories: Birth Control, My Relationships, Sexual Health

Native Baseball

This game is simple and does not require a lot of space to play. This game is to test hand eye coordination with the use of two sticks. Sticks can be around two feet or so, unless you would like to have a longer or shorter one to use. To…
Categories: My Culture, Traditional Games and Sports

Moving To The Rez

I was born when my parents lived on the reservation, and lived on that land until I was a couple of years old and they made the transition back to city life, moving nine hours away from our tribal land. My heart never really left our reservation, though, because we…
Categories: My Culture, Rez Life - Urban Life

Men’s Northern Traditional

The Northern Traditional dance evokes the style of Plains Indians, their hunting parties and warriors, their Traditional outfits, and their bravery and courage as peoples of America who lived off the land long before settlers came and disrupted their ways of life. The traditional style we see today in powwows…
Categories: PowWow

Men’s Grass Dance

A dancer, clad in bright colors, sways and moves as a strand of grass in the wind. That same dancer, wearing long ribbons and fringes, flattens the grass as a young warrior preparing the ground for a ceremony. The dancer, an air of dignity in his whirling, patterned steps, celebrates…
Categories: My Culture, PowWow

Men’s Fancy Dance

The men’s fancy dance is one of the most exuberant and wildly original powwow styles. Dancers, who are clad in flashy regalia, often in shades of bright neon and embroidered with elaborate applique patterns, dance fast, displaying an aerobic set of often choreographed moves. This dance is difficult to describe.…
Categories: My Culture, PowWow

Medicine Wheels

Medicine Wheels are a powerful intertribal symbol that represents living a balanced life. They are also known as Sacred Hoops, and while nowadays they are most often seen beaded or on t-shirts, originally they were large rock formations with spiritual significance, the oldest being in Big Horn, Wyoming. Each of…
Categories: My Culture, Sacred Elements


Most people do it – yet so many people worry about it! That’s because there are a lot of myths out there that masturbation is dirty, dangerous,or something to be embarrassed about doing. But the truth is, masturbation is a safe and healthy way to have sex, and it’s here…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health

Managing Relationship Pressures

When you’re in a sexual or romantic relationship, you might experience different kinds of pressure, either from within the relationship, or from other people. Relationship pressure can involve many different factors, including culture or race, age and maturity, family, religion, money, jealousy, mental illness, friends, living together, and sex. Feeling…
Categories: Dating, My Relationships