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Story of Rock

In the beginning, the Creator was lonely and decided to create the Mother Earth, and upon her — the plants, fire, water, the four-leggeds, winged ones, those that swim, and then finally the two-leggeds, The People. The Creator said “there is something different and special about the two-leggeds, because they…
Categories: My Culture, Traditional Stories and Teachings


STDs, also known as sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that are passed from person to person during sex. STDs are common. In fact, over half of all people get an STD by the age of 25. Many STDs show no signs or symptoms, so a…
Categories: My Relationships, Sexual Health, STDs

STD Testing for Youth Under 18

Getting tested for STIs and HIV is important for everyone. Once we are sexually active, it is our responsibility to ourselves and to our partners to make sure we have a clean bill of sexual health. But what about those of us who have become sexually experienced before the grand…
Categories: My Relationships, Sexual Health, STDs

STD Testing FAQ

Why Should I Get an STD Test? Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, also called sexually transmitted infections or STIs) are very common. By age 25, roughly one in two sexually active people will get one. If you think it can’t happen to you…think again. Since STDs often show no symptoms, many…
Categories: My Relationships, Sexual Health, STDs


How do people get an STD? During vaginal, anal or oral sex, STDs can be transmitted through the exchange of blood, semen and vaginal fluids, or through skin-to-skin contact. How can I tell if I have an STD? Many people with an STD have no symptoms at all. If someone…
Categories: Sexual Health, STDs

Spirit Houses

Many tribal communities have a tradition of a specific place to go for meditation and renewal—this may be in the form of a Sweat Lodge, a woman’s House of Moon time, a sacred spring, etc. During the time of inward looking and belonging, people can choose at any time to…
Categories: My Culture, Wellness and Healing

Spirit Animals

Many members of the Native community possess what is known as a Spirit Animal, also called a Spirit Guide, or Animal Totem. The Spirit Animal is often considered to be a gift sent from the Creator to guide us on life’s journey. Unlike what google searches or random websites might…
Categories: My Culture, Wellness and Healing

Some Ways to Stop Being Violent

Violence is not O.K., and nobody should have to put up with it. Being angry, confused or frustrated are all normal emotions, and there are non-violent ways of expressing these emotions. Deciding to do something about your violent behavior is a big step and it takes a lot of courage.…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, My Mind

Some Facts About Your First Time

You might have a lot of questions about what your first time will be like. It’s not always easy to find the answers you need. Here are some common myths that people believe about sex – and the facts. MYTH: You can’t get pregnant or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) the…
Categories: My Relationships, Virginity

Should I Get Tested?

You might be wondering if you need a test for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). You might be wondering if your partnerneeds one. Or you may simply be interested in learning more about STD testing. Whatever the reason, the more information you have, the better you can protect your sexual health.…
Categories: My Relationships, Sexual Health, STDs