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Women’s Jingle Dance

The jingle dance is an innovative and rhythmic style which originated among the Chippewa in the early 1920s. Twisted Copenhagen can lids become cones which are sewn in rows or V shapes onto cloth or satin dresses. Accessories include a beaded or concho belt and a neck scarf. A purse…
Categories: My Culture, PowWow

Women’s Fancy Shawl

The Fancy Shawl dance is one of the most athletic dance styles. It is also the most recent, created to allow Native American women to express the same enthusiasm and show-style as the men’s Fancy Dance. The dance has two steps: a regular dance, and a crow hop. To dance…
Categories: My Culture, PowWow

When Things Aren’t Working Out

Like any relationship, there can be times that you argue or go through tough times. This may not mean the end of the relationship; instead it could be a result of a lack of communication, a difference in opinion, or uncertainty about how the relationship is going. It may be…
Categories: Dating, My Relationships

When a Woman has her Moon

People will say that a woman who is having her moon should stay away from the ceremonies because she could ruin them, but they don’t understand or know why this is. It is because a woman is the only one who can bring a child into this world. It is…
Categories: My Culture, Wellness and Healing

When a Relationship is Ending

Over time, your interests might change. You can grow apart from or have less in common with the person you’re dating, and it might be time for you to think about ending the relationship. If you decide to end a relationship, it can be difficult for both people, and respecting…
Categories: Dating, My Relationships

Ways to Prevent STDs and Pregnancy

Different prevention methods suit different people. The best choice is what feels right for you and your partner, and what will be most effective in preventing sexually transmitted infections (STI/STD) and pregnancy. For those who have penis-vagina sex, the oral contraceptive pill, contraceptive patch, vaginal contraceptive ring, contraceptive injection, and…
Categories: My Relationships, Sexual Health, STDs


A sacred flow, a stream of life. Tumultuous waves, torrential rain. A peaceful, still body, a wild and uncontrollable fall – water is all of these things, a source of life for everything that lives. Water is sacred to Native people because nothing can exist without it. Because of this,…
Categories: My Environment, Water


The seven grandfather teachings passed down by our elders have given us direction and balance in caring for one another and Mother Earth. The teachings of respect, honesty, love, courage, humility, truth and wisdom give young leaders the opportunity to listen, learn, and participate while making positive changes in the…
Categories: My Culture, Traditional Stories and Teachings

Two-Spirit Reference Books

Check out a a few of these books that could be helpful when learning more about being two-spirit. Two-Spirit People: American Indian Lesbian Women and Gay Men. Lester B. Brown, PhD, Editor. Harrington Park Press An Imprint of The Haworth, Inc., New York, London 1997. ISBN: 1-56023-089-4 Changing Ones: Third…
Categories: LGBT - Two Spirit, My Relationships


Tuska is a traditional game that is played in a field and requires very few items to play other than players. The only items needed are noodles, like the ones you use at pools, and that are cut in half so that the players can easily wield them in hand.…
Categories: My Culture, Traditional Games and Sports

Tribal Sovereignty

After over 300 years of history, the question of Indian tribal sovereignty is still being debated and litigated daily. The question is, Who should exercise sovereign power over a wide range of governing activities — the tribes themselves, the states, the federal executive branch, Congress or the U.S. judicial system? Each…
Categories: Identity, My Culture, Sovereignty

Trail of Tears

In the early 1800s, the Cherokee tried to assimilate, along with their neighbors the Choctaws, Creeks, Chickasaws and Seminoles. Most of the leaders were convinced that to survive they would have to adopt white ways. These tribes became known as the Five Civilized Tribes. The process of assimilation began when…
Categories: History, My Culture