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What is Roe v. Wade?

You might have heard about Roe v. Wade being “overturned.” This article is about how this decision might affect you. What is Roe v. Wade? Roe v. Wade is an important legal case that was brought to the Supreme Court in the early 1970s. When the Supreme Court made their decision…
Categories: My Relationships, Pregnancy, Sex, Sexual Health

How To Prepare for Your First Date

First dates can be both exciting and nerve-racking, whether it’s your first date ever or your first date with a new person. You might be asking yourself “What do I wear?” “How do I do my hair?!” “Will they like me for me?”   It’s okay to be anxious! But don’t…
Categories: My Life, Relationships and Dating, Sexual Health

HPV Vaccine

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The virus causes genital warts and some kinds of cancer. But what if I told you there was a shot that could prevent infection and protect against the spread of HPV? Well, there is! Doctors recommend that…
Categories: My Relationships, Puberty, Sex, Sexual Health, STDs

Real Talk About Sexual Pleasure

Sexual pleasure comes from understanding how your body works and what feels good to you and others. But how can you learn about healthy sex and pleasure? This article offers basic information about sexual pleasure that everyone can benefit from. What is sexual pleasure? Sexual pleasure is physical, emotional, and/or…
Categories: Communicating, My Relationships, Sex

Wait what?! That’s what you do with lube?

A little-known fact is that lube can be a real game-changer when it comes to pleasure –  whether you are masturbating solo or having sex with a partner. But what exactly is lube, and what can you do with it? Lube: A smooth operator Lube, short for “lubricant,” often comes…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health

Sex 101

People define “sex” in different ways. The dictionary defines it as “sexually motivated behavior.” This sounds right to us. But not everyone agrees with the dictionary or with us. People all have their own definitions of what “sex” and “having sex” means. For some people it’s only penis-in-vagina intercourse. For…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health

Oral Sex

Oral sex is using one’s mouth to stimulate a partner’s genitals. Just as with any kind of sex, everybody is different – with various likes and dislikes, so communication is the key. In order to make sex more satisfying, it’s important to be clear with yourself and your partner about…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health, Virginity

Protecting Yourself During Oral Sex

It is possible to get HIV and other STDs during oral sex if your partner is infected, although the risk for transmitting certain STDs (like HIV) is generally lower from oral sex than from vaginal or anal sex without a barrier (like a condom or a dental dam). Still, it’s…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health

Protecting Yourself During Anal Sex

Anal sex involves inserting one partner’۪s penis into another partner’۪s anus. It is common in both straight and same-sex couples. Like vaginal and oral sex, anal sex can spread sexually transmitted diseases. That’s why it’s important to use condoms each and every time you have anal sex from start to…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health

Protecting Yourself During Vaginal Sex

Vaginal sex happens when a partner’s penis is inserted into another partner’s vagina. One way to have safer vaginal sex is to only have one partner who has no sexually transmitted infections and no other partners than you. But, this isn’t always the safest kind of safer sex. That’s because…
Categories: My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health

Withdrawal – Pulling Out

Withdrawal is when the man pulls his penis out of the vagina before he ejaculates (i.e., before he “cums”). Semen does not go into the vagina, so sperm cannot get to the egg. How effective is it in preventing pregnancy? 27 out of 100 couples typically experience a pregnancy in…
Categories: Birth Control, My Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health