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Amphetamine encompasses various drugs, but you will find methamphetamine is more commonly researched, talked about, and prevalent. Amphetamine is the parent drug of a family of psychostimulants, which speed up the messages going to and from the brain. Some street names for amphetamines include “uppers,” “bennies,” “black beauties,” and “diet…
Categories: My Body, Substance Abuse

After Someone has Died: How You Might Feel

Initial reactions. When someone close to you dies, you might experience a variety of emotions, including shock, disbelief, numbness, sadness, anger, or loneliness. This is all part of a grieving process. Shock and disbelief. It’s normal to feel a sense of shock when someone close to you dies. Shock may…
Categories: Grief, My Mind

After Someone Dies: What You Might Have to Deal With

Making decisions after someone has died. Making these decisions can be stressful, and you may be tempted to make a decision quickly without thinking about all the consequences. If possible, delay any major decisions, and speak to someone who is farther removed from the situation Final medical decisions. After your…
Categories: Grief

After Someone Dies: Moving Back Into Your Routine

Managing life after the memorial service. After the service, you might have to start thinking about returning to your everyday routine including school and/or work. It’s likely that you’re still grieving, which can make it hard to get back into a balanced routine. Everybody is different, and it’s a good…
Categories: Grief, My Mind

Adoption: Looking for Your Birth Family

Once you have made the decision to search for your birth parents, you may have mixed feelings about it. You may feel excited, relieved, scared or anxious.These feelings might change over time. For some people who search for their birth families, the search may be fairly straightforward and quick, especially…
Categories: Dealing with Adoption or Foster Care

Adoption: How you Might Feel About it Emotionally

People find out that they’re adopted in different ways. Today most people find out when they’re young, and grow up knowing how their family was formed. Others find out when they’re older, or find out accidentally. However you find out, you might have mixed emotions about being adopted. When you…
Categories: Dealing with Adoption or Foster Care

Youth Movement

We know you care. Have a great idea on how to impact your community? We would love to help you accomplish your goals. Check out the story from Youth Movement after they applied for and received a We R Native mini grant. Apply for a mini grant today! Youth Movement…
Categories: Feeling Healthy, Fitness, My Body, My Life

Why It’s Important to Vote

Did you know Indians could still not vote in New Mexico and Arizona as of 1948!!?? True or False: Natives will lose their membership in their tribe if they vote in national elections….FALSE! Speak up this election and use your voice…Want to learn more about the importance of voting? Check…
Categories: Becoming Independent, Life Hacks, Life Tips, My Life

What to Eat Before a Big Game?

Having enough energy on game day can be tough with a hectic practice schedule and everything else that goes on in your life. An excellent pregame meal or snack can help you perform better during the game and help all that practice pay off. Eating a meal before your game…
Categories: Eating Well, Feeling Healthy, Fitness, My Body, Training