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Being a Young Caregiver

A caregiver is someone who provides support at home for parents, brothers or sisters, grandparents or any other family member who has a disability, mental illness or other long-term illness. Being a caregiver is an important job. While it can feel rewarding at times, there might be other times when…
Categories: Becoming Independent

Becoming a Savvy Saver

Learning to save early on can lead to a healthy financial life. There are many benefits that result from saving which include the ability to reach your financial goals, being able to avoid going into debt when you have unplanned expenses and gaining a piece of mind knowing that you…
Categories: Becoming Independent

Be More Than a Bystander

You might see bullying everyday. You want to help, but may not know how. Learn how to be more than a bystander, step by step: Notice the Event. Before you can do anything to help in a bullying situation, first you have to notice it. Identify the Situation as One…
Categories: Bullying Prevention

Bath Salts (Cathinones)

Bath salts are synthetic drugs (also called “designer drugs” and “legal highs”) that can be legally purchased and are highly addictive. Recently, bath salts have also begun to appear marked as “plant food,” “jewelry cleaner” and “phone screen cleaner.” Common street names for bath salts include “Bloom,”“Cloud Nine,” “Vanilla Sky,”…
Categories: My Body, Substance Abuse

Overcoming Loneliness

If you are feeling socially awkward, there are things you can do to develop more social confidence. Social skills can be learned. Things like how to start a conversation or how to join-in a conversation, and how to listen well to others are all things you can learn to do.…
Categories: Friendships, My Relationships

Arguing With Your Parents

Don’t get along with your parents or guardians? Often arguing and feel that they don’t understand you? Are you asking yourself, “why don’t they see things the way I do?” Families sometimes disagree with each other and the occasional tension or argument is part of family life. However, ongoing arguments…
Categories: Family, My Relationships

Are You Safe?

At times we underestimate the amount of danger we could be in either because we don’t realize we’re in danger, or we don’t want to accept how dangerous a situation is. Being safe is important. Here are actions you can take to ensure your safety: Assess the situation. Ask yourself:…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, Dating violence and sexual assault, My Relationships

Applying and Interviewing for Jobs

When applying for a job, you might be asked to provide your resume. A resume should include your full name and address, a phone number, a summary of your education and a brief description of any previous work experience. You can start by looking at resume templates and build from…
Categories: Becoming Independent

Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, and Symptoms

There are many different types of anxiety disorders, each with their own symptoms and treatments. Here is a list of examples: General anxiety is an extreme and uncontrollable worry that is not specific to any one thing. Social anxiety or social phobia involves a fear of social or performance situations…
Categories: Anxiety, My Mind

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety versus anxiety disorders Everyone gets anxious from time to time. Anxiety can help you stay safe. Anxiety also helps you perform better. For example, feeling anxious before an exam can assist you to stay alert, which helps you to do your best. For more info, check out the Anxiety…
Categories: Anxiety, My Mind


Anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling of fear or imminent disaster, and is a normal emotional response to danger. What makes one person anxious may not trigger the same response in someone else. Events like breaking up, exams or a fight with a friend may cause you to feel anxious, worried…
Categories: Anxiety, My Mind

Anger and Violent Behavior

Violent behavior, toward oneself and others, can result from anger. It is one way that people express anger and try to control the situations that they find themselves in—but violence is never a positive or constructive way to deal with your emotions. Tips for breaking the cycle of violence The…
Categories: Anger