Search Results

Chronic Bronchitis

What is chronic bronchitis? Chronic, or long-term, bronchitis is a condition where the mucous membranes lining your bronchial tubes (which carry air to and from your lungs) swell and thicken due to constant, long-term irritation. The mucous membrane is the moist lining that protects and lubricates many tissues throughout the…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses

Choosing a College

Before you explore and compare different schools, first decide what you’re looking for in a school. Search for a school that fits you well. Here are some tips that may help: •Visit. Visiting a school may give you a better taste of what it is actually like rather than what…
Categories: Life Transitions

Changing Counselors

Not all counselors, psychiatrists, or psychologists are the same. If you don’t like the first or even the second or third person you see, it’s important to find someone else. However, like any relationship you have with friends, family, or the people you work with, your relationship with your counselor,…
Categories: Improve Your Mood

Challenging Negative Self-talk

Even though you can’t always control the situation you’re in or change other people, you can change the way you think about the situation or person. Self-talk refers to those thoughts or things you say to yourself. Changing the way you think about things might not be easy at first,…
Categories: Improve Your Mood, Self Esteem


What is cancer? Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases that are caused by abnormal cells multiplying uncontrollably. The abnormal cells can get into normal, healthy tissues and destroy it. Cancer also has the ability to spread throughout the body, and cause many complications. What causes…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses


Caffeine, a stimulant drug, causes the central nervous system to speed up the messages going to and from the brain. It is a substance found in the leaves, seeds or fruit of a number of plants, such as coffee and tea plants. A wide range of food and drinks contain…
Categories: Substance Abuse

Bulimia Nervosa

People experiencing bulimia go on regular eating “binges.” These binges involve consuming large amounts of food in relatively short periods of time. The binge eating is usually followed by feelings of guilt and anxiety about becoming fat, resulting in the desire and need to get rid of the food. It…
Categories: Eating Well

Body Image: Love the Skin You’re In

Body image is your own attitude towards your body – how you see yourself, how you think and feel about the way you look, and how you think others perceive you. Your body image can be influenced by your own beliefs and attitudes, as well as those of society, media…
Categories: Fitness

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Let’s face it – at one time or another you’ve wished a part of your body looked a little differently. It might be that you think your thighs are too big, your skin is not perfect, or your nose has a little bump in the middle that EVERYONE can notice.…
Categories: Eating Well, Getting Help, My Body

Bi-Polar Disorder

We all want to walk the good road, but sometimes there are hurts and hang-ups which divert our paths from healthful living. The key to living in a good way, then, is to understand the challenges some face and removing the negative stigma which often surrounds them. One of those…
Categories: Mental Health Difficulties

Binge Eating

Most people overeat every now and then and it is common to occasionally feel as though you have eaten too much. But binge eating happens when someone regularly consumes large amounts of food when they are not feeling hungry, to the point of feeling too full, and at a much…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, Obesity

Benefits of Activity and Exercise

Being active helps you to stay healthy, happy and fit. There are many different ways you can get active and finding the activity that suits you is an important first step. You may enjoy walking, running, dancing, surfing, going to the gym, swimming, yoga, hiking, playing a team sport or…
Categories: Fitness