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Dealing with Stereotypes and Racism

Most of us know that racism and stereotypes suck. Some of us have been discriminated against because we are Native and most of us have heard negative comments directed at us, our family members, friends, or other tribal members. But there are things that we can do to learn more…
Categories: Identity, Improve Your Mood, My Mind


Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that is carried out through an Internet service such as email, chat rooms, discussion group, online social networking, instant messaging or web pages. It can also include bullying through mobile phone technologies such as text messaging. How you feel if you are being cyberbullied.…
Categories: Bullying Prevention

Coping With Signs of Anxiety

When you’re feeling shy or embarrassed in a social situation or in any situation, you might find yourself blushing or sweating more than usual. In embarrassing or stressful situations, the body’s fight or flight response is activated. This releases extra adrenaline into the bloodstream causing more blood to rush to…
Categories: Anxiety

Coping With Bad Grades

Not doing as well as you expected on your exams can be really tough, especially if you need higher grades to get into a particular college, graduate school or career. You might be feeling a variety of feelings of disappointment, and confusion. Even though your grades might not be what…
Categories: Managing School Pressures

Coping With A Stressful Event

There are many life events that can be viewed as stressful. Examples of these include being involved in, or witnessing an accident, being a victim of, or witnessing abuse or violence, or having someone close to you die. Any stressful event can affect your emotions. When a stressful event occurs,…
Categories: Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, My Mind, Stress, When Life Sucks

Communicating About Grief With Your Family and Friends

After someone dies, it can be hard for everyone to adjust. Family members might argue with each other more often, and sometimes being with your family can be uncomfortable for you. However, it can also be a time when you can grieve together. Don’t be afraid to talk about the…
Categories: Grief, My Relationships

Comfort Eating

It is not uncommon for people to eat when they feel sad, angry, hopeless, bored, or lonely. Eating may make you feel better in the short term. Some foods, such as chocolate, affect the chemicals in the brain that regulate your mood. For that reason, you often feel better right…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, Obesity

College Orientation

Orientation is an activity (ranging from a few days to a week) that you’ll take part in before your first semester or quarter of college. While orientation can be a whole lot of fun, it can also be a time of mixed emotions as you adjust to life away from…
Categories: Life Transitions, Managing School Pressures

College Exams: Hints for Managing Stress

Exam season is a time when stress levels are higher than usual. Stress can be positive; helping you to stay motivated and focused. But too much stress can be unhelpful. It can make you feel overwhelmed, confused, exhausted, and edgy. It’s important to try and keep things in perspective and…
Categories: Managing School Pressures

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

What is COPD? COPD refers to a group of lung diseases—emphysema and chronic bronchitis—that lead to blocked airflow and make breathing difficult. Damage to your lungs from COPD can’t be reversed, but treatment can help manage symptoms and further damage. Above all, prevention is the best way to avoid COPD,…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses

Chronic Liver Disease/Cirrhosis

What is it? The liver is an organ that is essential for digesting food, making vital nutrients, and ridding your body of toxic substances. Chronic liver disease/cirrhosisis is marked by gradual, irreversible destruction and scarring of liver tissue over time. Scar tissue formation replaces normal functioning liver tissue, which decreases…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses

Chronic Kidney Disease

What is it? The kidneys are responsible for filtering wastes and excess fluid from the blood. Chronic kidney disease is marked by a gradual loss in kidney function. Without healthy kidneys, waste can build up in the body and cause many health problems including heart disease and weak bones. What…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses