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Ecstasy, or MDMA (methylenedioxy methamphetamine), is a ‘psychedelic amphetamine’ which has properties of both hallucinogen and amphetamine drugs. Amphetaminesmake you feel more awake and alert, while hallucinogens can change your perception of reality. For more information, you can check out the Fact Sheet on Amphetamines and Hallucinogens. Ecstasy is considered…
Categories: Substance Abuse

Eating Well and Feeling Healthy

Eating well and being active helps us feel positive, strong, and energetic. You might assume that skinny people are automatically healthy people, but the truth is that our body weight is influenced by a number of things like our height, muscle mass, bone structure, and body fat. So judging your…
Categories: Eating Well

Drinking Smart

Even though the legal drinking age in the United States is 21, alcohol is the most widely used substance of abuse among America’s youth. Drinking ‘smart’ takes some strength because managing peer pressure is not always easy. Remember it is always your decision to control if you drink and how…
Categories: Substance Abuse

Don’t be a Victim of Identity Theft

Identity theft is when someone’s identifying information (like their name, social security number, bank account, or credit card) is stolen by someone else. Once thieves have your personal information they may use it to: •Buy items/services without paying for them; •Establish credit and run up the charges on the accounts;…
Categories: Becoming Independent

Don’t Just Stand By: Intervene

You know the situation isn’t okay. You know you should intervene. You know you can intervene. So, why don’t you? Make it accepted, make it expected. Often, we get influenced by our peers. Perhaps getting involved and helping others out isn’t considered cool or acceptable in your group. Maybe your…
Categories: Bullying Prevention

Do I Struggle with Anxiety?

Learning traditional drum songs can be a good way to relax and decrease anxiety. Anxiety is an uncomfortable, oftentimes panicked feeling of fear or imminent disaster, and is a normal response to danger. What makes one person anxious may not trigger the same response in someone else. Events like break-ups,…
Categories: Anxiety


What is diabetes? Diabetes means your blood sugar, or glucose, is too high. Glucose comes from food that fuels our bodies. Your body always needs some glucose in the blood to keep it running. But having too much is not healthy. The body makes insulin, which keeps normal blood glucose…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses, Obesity

Developing Coping Strategies

In some situations, despite our best efforts, we still can’t fix the problems we find ourselves in. If you’ve tried a number of problem-solving strategies and none of them have worked, it might be time to focus on developing skills to help you cope with your problem. Coping strategies can…
Categories: Improve Your Mood

Depression: Management and Treatment Options

Try to remember that overcoming depression will take time, and you’ll need to stay strong through some of the tougher days. Still, overcoming depression is possible! Management and Treatment Psychiatrists are physicians who are also trained as mental health professionals. Psychiatrists have special training in mental illnesses, including depression, schizophrenia…
Categories: Depression


Everyone goes through tough times at different points in their lives, and we all feel sad every now and then. It’s important to understand that feeling sad temporarily is very different from being depressed or having depression. Depression is a mental disorder that is more severe and longer lasting than…
Categories: Depression

Deliberate Self Harm

Self-harm (also called self-injury) is when you hurt yourself on purpose – you cut, burn, or scratch yourself, for example – mostly in secret. Why do people harm themselves? People who harm themselves have often had tough experiences or relationships in their lives. Maybe others have made fun of them,…
Categories: Suicide

Decide How to Help

To give help, get some skills. Okay, so you’ve decided that you want to help in a situation that you’ve noticed is not okay. However, wanting to do something doesn’t mean you necessarily know what to do. By learning the right skills, you will know how to safely step in…
Categories: Bullying Prevention