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Getting Along With Your Sibling

Although it might feel impossible sometimes, many siblings grow up to be close friends. It might take years and a lot of maturing before this happens, but in the meantime, There are steps you can take to avoid fighting with your sibling and smooth out your relationship. Here are a…
Categories: Family

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by an uncontrollable and unrealistic worry about everyday situations such as school, work, relationships or health. This worrying has to occur on the majority of days for at least six months for a diagnosis of GAD. This worry is uncontrollable and can be accompanied…
Categories: Anxiety


Many communities in the United States, including many tribal communities, have Gangs in them. And some of these Gangs have been around for a long time and over many generations. It isn’t surprising that many people in these communities find themselves (both male and female) having to make a decision…
Categories: Gangs


Our friends are usually people we trust, respect, and have similar interests. Like other relationships, friendships generally require work, and often undergo change. It might not be easy to maintain friendships, and sometimes friends can disappoint you. This can make it difficult to work out who your friends are. Making…
Categories: Friendships

Flunking at School or College

Flunking out at school or college, or not getting the grades you expected can be stressful, especially if you’ve previously averaged higher grades, or not reaching your expectations. It might feel like everyone except you to do well in school everybody’s learning and working style is different and we all…
Categories: Managing School Pressures

Fighting With Your Sibling

Sometimes, the hardest people to get along with can be the people you’re closest to – like your brothers and sisters. The relationships that you have with your siblings can be a lot more complex than a relationship, which can cause you to get more upset and often fight with…
Categories: Family

Express Yourself

Expressing yourself can help you keep in touch with how you are feeling. It can also help you release a lot of tension that you might be carrying around. Ways of expressing yourself. Finding out the best way for you to express yourself can be rewarding. You might find that…
Categories: Communicating

Experiencing Grief

If you’ve lost a loved one, you’re probably experiencing a lot of different emotions. Each feeling you experience is another step in your grieving process. The grieving process is like a journey–it takes you from the starting point of your loss to a new life. Depending on how far into…
Categories: Grief

Energy Drinks

Energy drinks make big promises – some say they’ll increase your alertness or that they’ll boost your athletic performance. But once you cut through the hype and look past the flashy packaging, chances are, all you’re getting is a huge dose of sugar and caffeine. So should you drink these…
Categories: Eating Well


What is emphysema? In the lung, there are many tiny air sacs (alveoli) that exchange carbon dioxide from your body with oxygen from the air we breathe. Emphysema is a disease that gradually damages the alveoli in your lungs, making it harder to breathe normally. Damage to the alveoli can’t…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses

Effective Communication: Getting the Message Across

The way you communicate has a big impact on your ability to get along with people and get the things that you want. Good communication skills can help you avoid conflict and to solve problems. Open and honest communication is also important for making friends and having healthy relationships. Styles…
Categories: Communicating