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High Blood Fat

What is high blood fat? What causes it? If you eat more carbs and fats than you burn, you may have high blood fat. Your body takes any calories it does not use right away as fat. Having high blood fat can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes.…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses, Obesity

High Blood Cholesterol

What is high blood cholesterol? Cholesterol is used to build healthy cells in the body. However, having too much is bad for you. You may create fatty plugs in your blood vessels. These plugs can make it hard for blood to flow. If that happens, many health problems will come…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses, Obesity

Helping a Friend With a Drinking Problem

It may be difficult to know what to do if you are worried about someone’s alcohol use and it may be particularly concerning if you think someone you are close to is drinking a lot and not telling you about it. An even more challenging problem could be trying to…
Categories: Substance Abuse

Helping a Friend With a Chronic Illness

A chronic illness is a medical condition that will last a long time or may even be permanent. There are lots of different illnesses that can be classified as chronic, like arthritis, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, cancer, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome and others. How do chronic illnesses affect a person? Some…
Categories: Friendships

Helping a Drunk Friend

At some point in your life, you will probably be in a situation where you will want to look after a friend who is drunk. In these situations, you should be ready to offer some help. How might you know if a friend has had too much to drink? Some…
Categories: Substance Abuse

Heart Disease

What is heart disease? Heart diseases affect the heart and blood vessels. The heart is a muscle that pumps blood to the body. The blood vessel is like a pipe that directs blood to the body. Just like any organ in the body, the heart needs blood to work. When…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses, Obesity


While you might think that there are certain things that make you happy (or could make you happy if you had them), there are certain common traits among happy people –a different way of thinking about things and doing things. This includes the way you choose to think about and…
Categories: Anxiety, Cultivating Good Mental Health

Gratitude And Their Influence On Your Happiness

Being grateful—or having gratitude—for the past can positively affect your future. You might experience a variety of feelings when thinking about the past—from pride, satisfaction, and contentment to bitterness and anger. These feelings are all actually controlled by your memories, which you can manage. This means that you have ultimate…
Categories: Coming-of-Age, Cultivating Good Mental Health, Education, Feeling Good, Improve Your Mood, Life Tips, My Body, My Life, My Mind

Going Back to School After Break

Going back to school after summer or a holiday break, can be hard. You might be sad that the days of sleeping in and having extra time on your hands are over until the next break. Or alternatively, you might be really excited to get back to school, catch up…
Categories: Managing School Pressures

Girl Bullying

Believe it or not, girls are more likely to be involved in bullying than boys are. Why does girl bullying happen? Bullying can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint in girl groups, as oftentimes the girls consider eachother “friends.” Although the occurrences in the movie Mean Girls seem a bit ludicrous,…
Categories: Bullying Prevention

Getting Wasted

Many people drink alcohol after work or with meals, at social gatherings or parties, on the weekend, at sporting events, concerts, and other social situations. Although we may not talk about alcohol as a drug, it is a widely used one. Many people abuse alcohol by drinking so much that…
Categories: Substance Abuse

Getting Help for Drug Use

Managing your drug use may be a big step. If you reduce your drug use you may still crave them for some time after. Try not to be too hard on yourself if you don’t reach your immediate goal. Having to try several times may be part of reducing your…
Categories: Getting Help, Substance Abuse