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Impact of Drug Use

It’s not unusual for people to feel confused about taking drugs. You might be feeling pressure from your friends or classmates, or you might be curious about what using a drug would be like. While movies, music, and T.V. shows can make drug use seem cool, fun, or even glamorous,…
Categories: Substance Abuse

If your Friend has Taken Pills or Hurt Themselves

Get help now. If your friend has taken a substance, no matter what the substance, get them help immediately. It is not always obviouswhat damage the substance may be causing. If someone you know has seriously hurt him or herself or taken pills, you can call 911 for an ambulance…
Categories: Substance Abuse


JeMarie is a seventeen-year-old Californian of Native American descent, specifically Iroquois, Choctaw, and Cherokee. But JeMarie didn’t grow up on her reservations, and for much of her life, the only thing she had to teach her about her own heritage were the sad untruths from her history books–which represented Native…
Categories: Identity

Identify the Situation as One Needing Intervention

Bullies are big and dumb. Right? Bullying only happens to little kids on the playground. Right? Bullying ends when the school day ends. Right? Not exactly. Bullying takes many shapes and forms. It happens in many places and situations that you might not expect. And anyone canbe a bully. Often,…
Categories: Bullying Prevention

I am Trying to Help my Friend: Why do I Feel so Stressed?

Trying to help a friend through a tough time can be hard on you, too. After hearing about your friend’s feelings, it is common to feel shocked, sad, scared or overwhelmed but it’s impossible to help other people if you can’t first care for yourself. Here are some ideas to…
Categories: Friendships

How to Deal With Grief and Loss During Holidays and Special Occasions

Holidays and special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries may be a time when you get together with family and friends. Often, if you’ve lost someone you love, you might be reminded that this person isn’t around. This can be hard and each person will cope with this differently. Here are…
Categories: Grief

How Talking to Someone Can Help

Are you having a rough day? Have you been feeling down for a while? Everyone goes through tough times, and no matter how long you’ve had something on your mind it’s important that you talk to someone about it. You don’t have to confront your setbacks alone. Here are a…
Categories: Getting Help, Improve Your Mood

How Does a Person Become Resilient?

A number of factors contribute to a person’s ability to be resilient when faced with adversity: (1) having people in your life who care about you and help you through tough times, (2) having people who believe in your abilities and strengths and who have high expectations for you to…
Categories: Building Mental Resilience, Feeling Good, Identity, Identity and Native Pride, Improve Your Mood, Life Hacks, Life Tips, Life Transitions, My Mind, Wellness and Healing


Homelessness is when you don’t have a safe and reliable home to live in. Sometimes people choose to run away, and sometimes they are forced out of their home. People can become homeless for many different reasons. Some people: •Are kicked out or feel unwanted at home – e.g. coming…
Categories: Becoming Independent

Holidays With Your Family

The holidays are a busy time for many families. There are many reasons why: People are working longer hours at work to get things finished before the holidays; Some holidays like Christmas and Hanukkah add financial stress; Some families travel for the holidays or will have travel guests in their…
Categories: Family

Historical Trauma

For centuries Native people have survived the loss of our ancestors and our land, attacks on our culture, and racism. Although we are strong, many of us still carry with us the pain inflicted on our ancestors. To cope with the trauma experienced by our ancestors and the trauma we…
Categories: Mental Health Difficulties

High Blood Pressure

What is high blood pressure? High blood pressure is when blood is pumped against the blood vessels very hard for a long time. If you do not lower the pressure, it will cause long-term damage to your organs and blood vessels. Imagine high blood pressure as a fireman’s water hose.…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses, Obesity