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Moving Off Campus: A Guide to Plan Your Move

Deciding when, how and where to move off-campus can be very exciting and also very overwhelming. There are many factors that you will need to consider before you decide to move off-campus, which mainly include costs and responsibilities. The costs. There are many costs associated with living off-campus which include…
Categories: Life Hacks, Life Transitions

Moving in With Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Moving in with your boyfriend or girlfriend is a big decision. It can be an emotional, physical and financial challenge. However, if it’s the right time for both of you, it can also be tons of fun and a great experience. Some things you might want to consider when deciding…
Categories: Life Hacks, Life Transitions

Moving Away to Attend College

Making the decision to move away to school can be really difficult. Here are some ideas for how to help you make your decision: Write a list of all the advantages and disadvantages of going away to school; Talk through your list with family and friends; Take your time with…
Categories: Life Hacks, Life Transitions

More Tips for Communicating Effectively

Tip #1: Use ‘I’ statements. An “I” statement is a way of communicating about a problem to another person without blaming that person for the problem. Tip #2: Clearly express how you feel, what you think and what you want. Assuming that others know what you want can create all…
Categories: Communicating, Dating, My Relationships

Meeting New People

Meeting new people can be a lot of fun. It can be a chance to have an interesting conversation, or even make a new friend. Sometimes, meeting someone new can be a worrying experience. However, if these feelings are hindering your ability to meet new people or live your life…
Categories: Friendships, My Relationships


Marijuana, hashis and hash oil all come from a plant called Cannabis Sativa, and each drug has varying strengths and effects on the body. Marijuana is the least powerful and hash oil is the strongest. Marijuana a dry, shredded, leafy substance, typically smoked in cigarettes, pipes, or water pipes known…
Categories: My Body, Substance Abuse

Managing Long-term Medication

Taking medication is not always easy—it could disrupt your day, or maybe make you feel worse before you feel better. It could also make you feel moody and act differently with your friends or family. If you’re finding it hard to manage your medication, it might be a good idea…
Categories: Health Care, My Body

Managing Expectations

Everyone goes through times when they feel pressure to achieve certain goals, behave in a particular manner, or even look a certain way. These pressure, or expectations, might have a positive influence and can challenge or motivate you to do your best. However, unrealistic expectations might not be helpful and…
Categories: Life Hacks, Life Tips

Managing Anger

Everyone gets angry at one time or another. Anger is a normal human emotion. It’s how a person acts when feeling angry that can be problematic. When anger builds in intensity or gets out of control, people can behave in ways that are destructive. When anger gets out of control,…
Categories: Anger, My Mind

Looking for Work After Graduation

Whether you’re changing jobs or looking for your first job, finding work may not be easy. Two of the most important things employers look for in potential employees are experience and skills related to the job. Deciding a Career. Contact your school counselor or local Job Service Center. You might…
Categories: Becoming Independent, Life Hacks

Living with Someone Experiencing Depression

By having an idea of how someone is affected by depression, you might be able to better recognize why they behave the way they do. Understanding more about depression might also help you separate the illness from your family member or friend, and realize that their mood and behavior might…
Categories: Anxiety

Overcoming Shyness

Shyness is usually associated with being quiet, insecure, and/or socially anxious. Being shy is not always a bad thing. We can all feel shy from time to time so it’s alright to feel a little uncomfortable in new situations and with new people. What causes shyness? Some people are born…
Categories: Friendships, My Relationships