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Everyone experiences stress at some time or another. Stress is a feeling that comes from a physiological reaction your body has to certain events. Even though stress can be a positive thing – like motivating us to make positive changes in our lives or giving us that “extra push” for…
Categories: Anxiety, Building Mental Resilience


You might face a range of issues when you become part of a step-family. These might include divided loyalties making you feel like you have to choose between two different families as well as adjusting to your parents’ new partners and/or families. What about the past? A new family doesn’t…
Categories: Family, My Relationships

Starting at a New School

Whatever your reason, moving into a new school can be an intimidating and nerve-racking experience. Making life easier at school. It might help to remember that you’re not alone. Everyone at some point in life has started at a new school a nd it’s likely that other people have similar…
Categories: Friendships, My Relationships

Starting a New Job

Starting your new job can be exciting, but it can also be stressful and overwhelming. Here are some suggestions for easing the transition: Familiarize yourself with your workplace. On your first day, your employer should show you around your workplace, including where the toilets, kitchen and staff rooms are. If…
Categories: Becoming Independent

Spring Break

Spring break is a great time to kick back, hang out with your friends, and take a break from all of your course work. While on spring break remember to be smart and to always think before acting. One great advice would be to always be with a friend in…
Categories: Managing School Pressures

Spice or K2 (Cannabinoids)

Spice, or K2, is a synthetic drug (also called “designer drugs” or “legal highs”) that can be legally purchased and is often sold as incense. Spice is a type of drug called a cannabinoid. It is made by mixing herbal and spice plants, such as parsley, and then spraying them…
Categories: Substance Abuse

Some Different Types of Mental Health Problems

Depressive disorder When someone feels sad for a period of time longer than a couple of weeks, he or she might be depressed. People experiencing depression may show some or all of these symptoms: feelings of hopelessness or helplessness, loss of interest usual hobbies or activities, lack of energy, changes…
Categories: Mental Health Difficulties, My Mind

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, is a persistent and extreme fear of being watched or judged by other people. People who have social anxiety might also be nervous or worried that they might do something embarrassing. This anxiety can last for days before and after an encounter that triggers…
Categories: Anxiety, My Mind


Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So how come people are still lighting up? The answer, in a word, is addiction. Once…
Categories: Substance Abuse

Self-Medicating With Alcohol or Drugs

Self-medicating is a term used to describe the use of drugs (including alcohol) to treat untreated and often undiagnosed mental distress, stress, and anxiety, including mental illnesses and/or psychological trauma. When someone develops a substance problem, we often hear that he or she was self-medicating his or her attention-deficit disorder,…
Categories: My Body, Substance Abuse