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What is a vaccine? How does it work? A vaccine is an inactivated form of bacteria or virus that is injected into the body to mimic an actual infection. For example, measles vaccine is made from the measles virus. Because the vaccine is a weakened or ‘dead’ form of the…
Categories: Feeling Healthy, My Body

Understanding Sexting

Sexting is the term used to describe the exchange of nude images or a sexually suggestive text message on cell phones. Why do people use their phones for sexting? There are several reasons why people decide to take part in sexting: Some see sexting as a “first step” before they…
Categories: My Relationships, Social Media

Understanding Mental Health Difficulties

Mental health problems can cause people to think, act and feel differently than they usually do. For a person going through these difficulties, the different feelings are very real and often scary. Mental health problems are common in at least one out of every five people. In most cases, they…
Categories: Mental Health Difficulties, My Mind

Traditional Healing

Healing comes in many forms. Modern western, or allopathic medicine, focuses primarily on either the acute or chronic treatment of specific disease, illness, or injury entities, and has become increasingly specialized. Traditional healing, on the other hand, encompasses a holistic approach to treatment by focusing on the health of mind,…
Categories: Cultivating Good Mental Health, Feeling Healthy, My Body, Wellness and Healing

Time Management

Meeting deadlines for work and school can sometimes seem overwhelming. Managing your time may help you to be more organized and meet the deadlines you have. Here are some suggestions for maximizing the time you have available: Set goals. It may be a good idea to think about what you…
Categories: Life Hacks, Life Tips

Telling Someone Difficult News About You

When something troublesome or worrisome happens to you (i.e. an unplanned pregnancy, the need to enter rehab, a decision to quit a job, or being fired), you may experience a variety of feelings that could make it difficult for you to share your troubles with others. You might feel embarrassed,…
Categories: Health Care, My Body

Take Responsibility

So, you’ve noticed a problem situation that you think could be stopped if someone stepped in. Now is the time to step up, and take responsibility for diffusing the situation. Often, when lots of people are around, it’s easy to feel like you’re not the right person to step in.…
Categories: Bullying Prevention

Surviving an Embarassing Event

Embarrassing “stuff” happens… and sometimes is captured on film. In today’s fast paced social media culture, personal information that we don’t really want to share can easily and readily be made available to the public by others who in some cases we thought we could trust. Because of this, experiencing…
Categories: Friendships

Supporting Someone with A Mental Illness

Someone who is experiencing mental health difficulties is usually able to live a successful full life, particularly if he or she is receiving help to manage the illness. Avoid being judgmental. Be aware of the stigma associated with mental health difficulties, but keep an open mind. This might help create…
Categories: Mental Health Difficulties, My Mind

Suicide Warning Signs

You can help prevent suicide if you know what signs to look for and what to do if you see them in yourself or in another person. Some suicides happen without outward warning, but most people do give some sign that they are thinking about suicide. What are the signs…
Categories: My Mind, Suicide


What is a stroke? If you get a stroke, your brain’s blood supply gets blocked by a blood clot. A blood clot is a fatty plug that can move and block blood flow. When your brain does not get blood, your brain cells die within minutes. If that happens, severe…
Categories: Common Diseases & Illnesses