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Worried About Someone’s Drug Use

It is quite common for people to experiment with drugs and that experimentation may not necessarily lead to abuse. Sometimes it is difficult to tell ifsomeone you know is abusing drugs, especially if they may be hiding their use. Helping someone you think is using drugs. Helping someone who is…
Categories: My Body

Worried About Someone’s Alcohol Use

It is quite common for people to experiment with alcohol and that experimentation may not necessarily lead to abuse. Sometimes it is difficult to tell if someone you know is abusing alcohol, especially if they may be hiding their use. Helping someone you think is using alcohol. Helping someone who…
Categories: My Body, Substance Abuse

When Your Parents Break-Up

As family relationships change, there may be a lot of adjusting to do. Everyone affected will have their own thoughts and feelings about what is happening. People may feel anything from being upset to relief. It is not uncommon to feel angry with the person(s) who decided the family can…
Categories: Family, My Relationships

When You Need Help: Your Family Can be There for You

Sometimes when you go through a tough time, you may need someone to talk to. If you think about it, talking to someone who is willing to listen really makes a difference and sometimes the best people to talk to may be your own family. There might be one member…
Categories: Family, My Relationships

When Life Sucks and You Feel Like S–t

Life sucks sometimes, and all of us at one time or another, feel s—-ty. This can mean different things for different people. Why you might be feeling s—-ty Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint why you’re feeling shitty. Identifying the factors that are causing you to feel this way might help…
Categories: My Mind, When Life Sucks

When Your Friend is Distressed

When one of your friends is really upset, it can be a difficult time. It’s important that you do what you can to help your friend, but if the situation makes you feel uncomfortable or distressed, you can encourage your friend to talk to someone else like a counselor, doctor…
Categories: Friendships, My Relationships

What to do if You Are Being Bullied

If you are being bullied, the situation will not change unless you do something. Here are some possible suggestions: •Working it out yourself. Depending on how bad the bullying is (and as long as you aren’t feeling unsafe, you might decide to try andwork it out by yourself first. •When…
Categories: Bullying Prevention

What to do if Someone You Know is Being Bullied

Bullying usually involves one or more people teasing, being violent towards, or harassing somebody on an ongoing basis. Bullying can happen in person and online and through cell phones. Is someone you know being bullied? People who experience bullying might be scared to talk about it, or they might feel…
Categories: Bullying Prevention, Life Hacks

Wanting to End Your Life

Are you feeling desperate and hopeless? Are you alone with no one to talk to? Are you worried you might hurt yourself or someone else or commit suicide? If you have made a plan… If you have a way to hurt yourself or someone else (for example you have pills or a…
Categories: My Mind, Suicide