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Save Energy. Save Money. Save the Environment with Energy Star! Preserving resources for future generations has always been a huge part of Native American culture. And now, with energy costs rising, finding ways tosave energy is more important than ever, because saving energy saves money… and the environment! ENERGY STAR…
Categories: My Environment, Take Action

Energize the Future of Indian Country

How involved is your tribe in developing energy resources for tribal members? When you look around your reservation, do you see wind, solar, or other energy options being used? Developing energy in Indian Country is a complex process. However, because 5% of the nation’s natural resources are located on tribal…
Categories: Land, My Environment, Native Energy

Cleaning Up Through Recycling

Recycling is an important part of preserving the environment for future generations. It helps keep our communities clean, conserves materials, saves energy, and reduces garbage in landfills. Keeping the communities we live clean is important. Not only does it look nice, but it can save energy, money, and resources. By…
Categories: Recycling

Bringing Hydropower to Native Lands

Hydropower is the largest source of power in the nation. This clean, renewable source of power is generated from water flowing through dams and can provide our communities with a source of income and energy. One example is the PGE & Warm Springs Water & Power Enterprises Pelton Round Butte…
Categories: My Environment, Water

Be the Solution to Pollution

From downloading music, to reducing the need for packaging, to hosting clothing swaps… there are a number of things we can do to reduce the amount of waste filling landfills, while preserving the land for future generations. Every little bit helps. Here are some quick ideas you can do to…
Categories: My Environment, Recycling

Indian Policy Timeline

  Indian Policy Timeline (The Indian Experience) Federal Policies Toward Native Americans Pre-1800’s  Extermination, Manipulation & Colonization of Indians Early 1800’s The Civilization Act 1830 Removal Act- Authorized by President Andrew Jackson to remove Indians from the east to west of the Mississippi River. 1870-1890 Indian Wars- Wounded Knee 1890…
Categories: History

Native Pride

It is not documents that define us, but rather what is undocumented. Our ancestral values continue to exist and evolve through our spirits today. We have seen the resiliency of the Native people throughout colonization, but we must still appreciate, celebrate, and cultivate the indigenous cultures that existed prior to…
Categories: Identity, My Culture

Mixed Identity

I belong to two different tribes: to the Shoalwater Bay Indian tribe on my grandfather’s side, and the Cherokee tribe on my grandmother’s. However, of my parents, only one is Native American–my mother. Though I could enroll in either of my tribes, I was enrolled at birth in the Naahps…
Categories: Identity, My Culture

Endangered Water Resources

Access to clean healthy water is vital to our native communities. We use it for drinking, fishing, agriculture, and in some instances, for generating power. Some water issues facing tribal communities include: Water Shortages  Did you know that nearly 40% of people on the Navajo Reservation don’t have running water?…
Categories: My Environment, Water

Your Rights when Receiving Healthcare

When you visit your medical doctor, counselor, psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse or any other health/mental health professional, you’re entitled to be treated in a certain way. Here are some of your rights as a patient or client: •Honesty. You have a right to receive all available and accurate information about your…
Categories: Health Care, My Body

You and Your Credit

Credit is borrowing money with the promise that you will pay it back in the future. In almost all cases, you have to pay interest or fees in addition to the original amount borrowed. Your credit history is one of the most important factors determining your financial future. Maintaining good…
Categories: Becoming Independent, Life Hacks

Worried Someone has an Eating Disorder

If you are worried about someone who may be struggling with an eating disorder, it may be a good idea to talk with the person you are concerned about. Letting them know that you are open to listening to them, without being judgmental, may help to make them more open…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body