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Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include: An Imbalance of Power: People who bully use their power –…
Categories: Bullying Prevention, My Life, My Mind

Community Gardens

If you’re looking for an activity that people of all ages can enjoy, start a community garden. Rallying support from your neighbors, friends, Tribe or community organizations is a great way to start a garden in your community! Oh, and you get to grow and eat your own healthy food.…
Categories: Land, My Environment, My Impact, Native Energy, Recycling, Take Action, Water

We Can Change Our World

We R Native is a comprehensive health resource for Native youth, by Native youth. We strive to promote holistic health and positive growth in our local communities and nation at large. And there are lots of ways you can get involved! Community Service Mini Grant You can make a difference…
Categories: My Environment, Take Action

Start Saving Now

Using less energy saves your family money and helps prevent climate change. Here are some energy saving tips to consider. Energy Saving Tips 1. Light Bulbs – replace the incandescent bulbs in your home with ENERGY STAR certified bulbs. An ENERGY STAR certified light bulb uses about 75%less energy and…
Categories: My Environment, Native Energy

Renewable Energy + Tribes

Did you know that 5% of the nation’s natural resources (water, forest, sun and wind) are located in Indian Country? That’s pretty huge, considering we represent less than 1% of the population. Why is that important to us? Because these renewable energy opportunities provide energy, create jobs and improve tribal…
Categories: My Environment, Native Energy

Renewable Energy

You might’ve heard people mention renewable energy – in school, in the community, maybe even at home. It can seem complicated. And there aren’t a lot of resources that will break it down for you in a way that’s easy to understand. And even more importantly, there’s next to NO…
Categories: My Environment, Native Energy

Reducing and Reusing

When you think about recycling, it usually brings to mind recycling bins… maybe some cans and bottles. But, another important aspect of recycling is reducing and reusing. Think about it. If you don’t need it, don’t get it. And if you have to get something, consider how you’ll be able…
Categories: My Environment, Recycling

Preserving the Land in Indian Country

With 310 reservations in the United States and numerous uses for land in Indian Country, it’s more important than ever to take action to protect this precious resource. Land preservation is important to maintain the cultural and environmental significance of tribal lands. Here are some things tribes across the nation…
Categories: Land, My Environment

Inter-Tribal Energy & Tech Tour

Welcome to the road trip of a lifetime! Native Americans have practiced sustainability and environmental preservation for generations. Today, 5% of the nation’s natural resources are located on tribal lands. This means, we have the opportunity to share sustainable practices and lead the nation toward energy independence, on and off…
Categories: My Environment, Native Energy, Take Action

How Tribes Utilize Land

Whether you call it home, The Rez, or Indian Country, the land that our communities are built on is important to our people. Our reservations occupy more than 55,700,000 acres of the United States. That’s 2.3% of all the land in the country. Agriculture and Ranching Because of favorable climates…
Categories: Land

Fishing and Tribes

For thousands of years, fishing has been a large part of Native American religion, culture, and has been an important source of food. Fish also play an important role in our ecosystem by returning ocean nutrients to the rivers they return home to. Here are some ways fish impact Indian…
Categories: My Environment, Water

Exam Time: Tips for Effective Studying

Exam season is a time when stress levels are higher than usual. Stress can be positive, helping you stay motivated and focused. But too much stress can be unhelpful, and it can make you feel overwhelmed, confused, exhausted, and edgy. During exam time, it’s important to try and keep things…
Categories: Managing School Pressures