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All About Muscle Growth

What is Muscle Growth? Muscle growth (hypertrophy) is where muscles become larger and stronger. By eating a lot, training hard, and getting lots of recovery, you will put on muscle. By not eating well, being lazy, and being stressed out, you won’t put on muscle. Why Muscle Growth is Important…
Categories: Fitness, My Body, My Life, Training

All About High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

What is HIIT? HIIT is when you alternate between high and low intensity exercises. You could also have a short rest period between high intensity exercises. For example, you could sprint for 10-20 seconds, rest for 1 minute, and repeat 5 times. Know that when doing HIIT, it is more…
Categories: My Body, My Life, Training

All About Fat Loss

What is Fat Loss? We store most of our fat under the skin, around the organs, and in the muscles. We need fat to give our bodies energy and to help us absorb important nutrients. However, too much of it is harmful to the body. Losing fat helps our bodies…
Categories: Fitness, My Body, My Life, Obesity

All About Cooling Down

What is Cooling Down and Why It Is Important Cooling down after a workout is as important as warming up. After physical activity, your heart is still beating faster than normal and body temperature is higher. Cooling down after exercising gives your body the chance to safely return back to…
Categories: My Body, My Life, Training

All About Cardio Training

What Is Cardio Training? Cardio training is to improve heart fitness. Good heart fitness means you can pump blood very well to your body. Cardio training involves exercising at a constant moderate level of intensity for a certain amount of time. That can include running, jogging, biking, swimming, and jump…
Categories: My Body, My Life, My Mind, Training

Training Progams

After you’ve decided to start getting more fit and healthy, the next step usually involves going onto the internet and browsing for the best workout plans. Soon, you get overloaded with many plans, opinions, and programs that often ask you to pay money. When you are just starting, narrow down…
Categories: My Body, Training

Teaching From the Aroostook Band of Micmacs

Goose (Infant) The goose teaches their young to share and communicate at an early age. How to work together and respect each other is a lesson goose medicine teaches. Geese form a V shape when they fly and the point of the V or arrow is the teacher. Geese never…
Categories: Coming-of-Age


The first time I fell in love, I didn’t have the foresight to know that it would end up hurting. A lot. I just remember being thirteen years old and reveling in the fact that somebody wanted to go to homecoming with me, somebody wanted to walk around the football…
Categories: Coming-of-Age, My Relationships


My cousin passed away the week before my college graduation. I had spent two weeks preparing for a poetry reading I was doing on campus, because my poetry was being published in my school’s literary journal. The day of my reading, I heard the news of his death. My heart…
Categories: Coming-of-Age


When we are children, the world is presented as having a certain sense of order. We learn our multiplication tables, how to write in cursive, how to read in our non-Native language, and any other assets the dominant culture thinks practical and necessary. At home, if we live near our…
Categories: Coming-of-Age

The Seventh Fire

The Seventh Fire looks at two Native gang members at decidedly different stages of their lives and, so to speak, careers. Rob Brown, a gang kingpin in his 30s, has been sentenced to prison for a fifth time and feels some remorse for having inflicted gang and drug culture on…
Categories: Gangs

Finding Out You’re Adopted

The definition of adoption is the formation of a new and permanent relationship between an adoptive parent and child. This means that according to the law, there is no difference between an adopted child and a child born into a family. People find out that they’re adopted in different ways.…
Categories: Dealing with Adoption or Foster Care, Life Hacks, My Life