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All About Fruits and Vegetables

What are Fruits and Vegetables? A vegetable is the edible part of the plant: roots, stems, leaves, etc. A fruit is the seed-containing part of a plant. Below is a list of examples: •Fruits •Vegetables •Avocado •Beets •Coconut •Cabbage •Cherries •Carrots •Cucumber •Kale •Eggplant •Onions •Pepper •Potatoes •Squash •Spinach •Tomato…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

All About Fats and Oils

What are Fats and Oils? Not all fats are created equal. Some are good for you, and some are bad for you. There are 4 main types of fat: saturated, trans, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. Below is a list of foods from each category: •Saturated (burgers, lard and cream, butter, cheese,…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

All About Dairy

What is Dairy? All fluid milk products and many foods are made from milk are part of the dairy food group. Although dairy products should not be part of your Indigenized diet, sometimes you cannot avoid it. Knowing more about dairy products will help you make informed decisions about your…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

All About Appetite and Portion Control

Why is Appetite and Portion Control Important? Eating too much unhealthy foods cause us to have more cravings and hunger. Because many foods are processed and are poor in nutrition, many people eat too much of these foods to satisfy their appetite and feel full. Thus, more people are becoming…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

Indigenized Fitness and Nutrition

Our ancestors had to stay physically fit to survive. Whether it was hunting, gathering, fishing, farming, or cooking, every task required physical fitness. Indigenized fitness involves a return to daily physical activities and the ancestral diet – a respectful relationship with food. Our ancestors’ day-to-day lives were more physically strenuous…
Categories: Fitness, My Body

Traditional Games and Sports

Traditional sports and games can form the backbone of a community, and further community spirit, bring peoples together and instill a sense of pride. And they’re also fun. Check out one of the oldest surviving sports – a 3,000 year old game that introduced rubber to the sports world, and…
Categories: Fitness, My Body

The Dirty Secret About Fitness Models and Bodybuilders

Often when you are trying to find exercising tips on the internet, you see many pictures of fitness models and bodybuilders. In the world of over-idealized bodies portrayed in the media, many people want to look like them. In reality, all of the photos and videos of these models have…
Categories: My Body, Training

Indigenized Fitness Spaces

Working out does not require having an expensive gym membership or equipment. All you need is a pair of good athletic shoes and a can-do attitude. The best places to workout are the areas that are easily accessible: Outdoors and Mother Earth Gyms: Exercising outside in the natural world is…
Categories: Fitness, My Body

All About Warming Up

What is Warming Up? Warming up prepares the body for more intense movement and activity. It literally “warms up” the body by raising the core body temperature. Warm-up movements can consist of walking, light jogging, stretch and hold, or stretching while moving (e.g. lunges for hip flexibility). Why Warming Up…
Categories: My Body, My Life, Training

All About Strength Training

What is Strength Training? Life is easier when you are strong and feel healthy. Carrying groceries? Lifting heavy boxes? Playing sports? No problem. To get the benefits, you need to do some strength training, sometimes called resistance training. It is a way to train your body to use your muscles…
Categories: My Body, My Life, Training

All About Recovery

What is Recovery and Why it is Important Recovery is just as important as the workout itself. If you try to do the same workout without enough recovery, you will fatigue quicker, and your health may suffer. Give your body enough time to recover, hydrate well, eat healthy foods, and…
Categories: My Body, Training