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The Weight Scale Lies

The weight scale is a crucial tool to measure your fitness and nutrition progress. However, if you measure your weight daily, you may be disappointed and stressed out. Your body weight changes a lot depending on how much water is in your body, and what you ate a couple of…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body

The Truth About Cheat Meals

You may have read many fitness articles that praise cheat meals. The concept of eating a “cheat meal” once a week is not very helpful. The main problem is the strong junk food cravings you could get throughout the week. Once you get to the cheat meal of the week,…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

Identifying Harmful Foods

A key step to adopt the ancestral way of life is to know what foods you should avoid. The following are tips to identify harmful foods: •Gluten products •Alcohol products •Dairy products •Corn-based products •Soy products •Products containing high-fructose corn syrup (sodas, energy drinks, alcohol) •Products containing refined sugars (maltodextrin,…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

Identifying Ancestral Foods (Raw and Organic)

A key step to adopt the ancestral way of life is to know what foods you should eat. The following are tips to identify the ancestral foods: Find local, organic, non-GMO, seasonal, and environmentally sustainable foods when possible Make your own meals at home Any foods that can be fished,…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

How to Substitute Junk Foods

Sometimes you need to have cake or pizza. Having junk food cravings is perfectly fine! But you also want to keep up with your healthy eating habits. A good way to have a healthy balance of both worlds, try substituting food choices and ingredients that are lower in fat, calories,…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

How to Eat on a Road Trip

When you are on a road trip, it can be hard to figure out what to pack. It may be easy to go grab a couple bags of chips or go out to eat. To maintain the Native eating lifestyle, here are some tips for the road: Research the nearest…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

How to Approach the Grocery Store

Trying to buy food in a grocery store can be a challenge. You could be very tempted to get junk foods and products that have many bad ingredients. Here are some tips to choose the right foods: Stay in the produce section and the outer perimeter of the store Stay…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

Do I Need Workout Supplements

What are Workout Supplements? Supplements can include products such as multivitamin, protein powder, pre-workouts, creatine, and many others. These kinds of products are geared towards people who want to get the ripped results you see in the media. Many supplements are made from natural sources, synthetics, and food-based materials. Alot…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

Do I Need Protein Powder to Get Ripped

Why is Protein Important? Proteins are the main building blocks for building muscle. Working out breaks down muscles because of the added stress. If you want to become stronger and have bigger muscles, protein is critical to repair and build muscle. Also, protein can help you manage your weight, body…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

All About the Proteins Food Group

What is the Proteins Food Group? All foods made from meat, poultry, seafood, beans and peas, eggs, processed soy products, nuts, and seeds are considered part of the group. Although processed soy products and eggs should not be part of your Indigenized diet, sometimes you cannot avoid it. Knowing more…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

All About The Ancestral Diet

Colonization led our people to believe that Western medicine, foods, and technology would improve our health. In fact, the overall health and well-being of our people were vastly superior before the introduction of Western toxins. The Euro-American culture has furthermore influenced our people to devalue the spirituality of food. Ultimately…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

All About Grains

What are Grains? Grains are any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or another cereal grain product. Although processed/refined gluten and wheat products should not be part of your Indigenized diet, sometimes you cannot avoid it. Knowing more about grain products will help you make informed decisions about…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life