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Trouble falling asleep

Having trouble falling asleep? Try these awesome techniques used by the #WellnessWednesday crew from We R Native! For meditation, check out the Insight timer app available through iTunes and Google Play… for free! Try some yoga before bedtime! The 7 minute yoga with Adriene seems to do the trick for…
Categories: Feeling Healthy, My Body, My Life

Sleep Week

I love sharing good health and wellness material on our We R Native page and social media channels, so in lieu of National Sleep Week, I want to do something different and fun. I want to invite you into my space and take you on a little journey with me…
Categories: Feeling Good, My Mind

Taking Baby Steps to Get Off the Couch

It’s all about Netflix and gains! Take some baby steps to get off the couch. The next time you’re watching the Walking Dead (or streaming any show), consider playing the Netflix and gains game using a few of these rules. Or make up your own! Every time someone shoots a…
Categories: My Body, Training

No Bake Energy Bites

Eating food for energy is a great way to start getting the right balance of nutrients your body needs to perform every day. One way to do this to try eating real food. Real food means food that’s closer to nature: consider having an apple rather than juice or fruit…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

National Nutrition Month – Smoothie Recipes!

March is National Nutrition Month and a time to focus, or refocus 🙂 on what we eat and how it can help support a healthy life! Eating healthy means getting the right balance of nutrients your body needs. A healthy plan includes fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk products, lean meats, poultry,…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

Lovers’ Yoga

With Valentine’s Day behind us, we’d like to remind you that everyone deserves a safe and healthy relationship. Remember, love has many definitions, and should include fun things like trying some soothing yoga for two….No matter how you define Native Love, abuse isn’t included. If you or someone you know…

Banana Pancakes

February is the month of love and a time to recognize that special someone. This year, instead of going out, try making something at home that’s a healthy alternative to boring ol’ pancakes….Cooking as a couple can be a perfect way to fan the flames or ignite that spark. And…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life, My Relationships, Sexual Health

Bannock Bread

Eating healthy means getting the right balance of nutrients your body needs to perform every day. A healthy eating plan includes eating a well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy foods, lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts, and whole grains. So what about frybread? Well, sometimes you need to have frybread…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Life

Tis the season

Rethink the season of giving. The holidays have a way of bringing out the best in people and it is a great time to commit to making giving a part of who you are….not just a thing you do. This year, instead of giving during the season of giving and…
Categories: My Environment, My Impact, Take Action

Recovering Addicts on How Rehab Has Improved Their Lives

People don’t leave rehab without having their lives changed. Getting clean by definition is a change in lifestyle, but it’s more than that. People tend to be at their lowest after abusing drugs to the point where rehab becomes necessary. Hearts are broken and relationships are destroyed. These things can…
Categories: My Body, Substance Abuse

National Native American Heritage Month

A little proclamation from the prez in honor of National Native American Heritage Month….. As the First Americans, Native Americans have helped shape the future of the United States through every turn of our history. Today, young American Indians and Alaska Natives embrace open-ended possibility and are determining their own…
Categories: History, My Culture