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Tips to Protect Yourself from COVID-19

The spread of COVID-19 in our state, threatens our elders, our families, and our Nations. Stay Home To protect our people, many schools are closing, and tribes are asking people to “stay home.” It may feel like an overreaction, but each of us has an important role to play to…
Categories: Feeling Healthy, Health Care, Life Tips, My Body

History Through a Native Lens

Timeline Overview This timeline of historically traumatic events was authored by Karina L. Walters, Ph.D. (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma), Indigenous Wellness Research Institute, University of Washington, with assistance from Danica Brown, Ph.D. (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma). Historically traumatic events are events designed to eradicate a people (genocide) and/or their culture,…
Categories: History, Identity, Identity and Native Pride, Language, My Culture, Sovereignty, Teachings, Traditional Stories and Teachings, Traditions

Helping a Friend Who’s Been Raped

Getting support from people they love and trust can be invaluable for survivors of sexual assault – to help them cope and heal. The following are some helpful suggestions from the Rape Crisis Center. Supporting a survivor can feel challenging for a number of reasons: you may be worried about…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, My Relationships, Sexual Health

Tips to be an Engaged Bystander

Leading up to every violent incident (be it intimate partner violence, domestic violence or sexual assault) there are all kinds of behaviors, words, and actions that can normalize and condone violence in a community. The good news is, if we all view ourselves as engaged bystanders and learn strategies to…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, My Relationships

Creating Safe Spaces

While the perpetrators of violence (like intimate partner violence, domestic violence, or sexual assault) are solely responsible for their crimes, we all play a role in creating safe spaces and looking out for each other. Recognizing the signs or situations that can lead to violence can help us stay safe…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, My Relationships

Introducing Uncle Paige

  We R Native is excited to announce that we have a new addition! Introducing Uncle Paige! He will be helping Auntie Manda answer your questions. Check out his intro video and use the Ask Auntie page to submit your questions to him. When submitting, just say “Dear Unc or…

Native VOICES Movie

Watch the most awesome sex ed video ever. You’ll meet Jamie and Christina as they embrace the awkward and learn about Safe Snagging 101.
Categories: Anatomy, Sexual Health