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Eating Disorders

Eating healthy food is an important part of our well-being. After all the foods we eat impact how we think and feel. The foods we eat also connect us spiritually to the land, plants, and animals around us. Sometimes we develop unhealthy relationships with food. If you notice that your…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body

Tips for Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep might seem like a waste of time. You could be doing so many other things like messaging friends, sharing on Snapchat or Instagram, playing a video game, or hanging out. Sleep may seem like an inconsequential thing but underestimating its benefits can be determinantal to our health and wellbeing.…
Categories: Feeling Good, Feeling Healthy, My Body

Talk About It

Does the idea of giving a friend negative feedback about their behavior make you cringe? What about challenging a grade on an assignment or test? Few of us like having difficult conversations, but there are times though when difficult conversations are hard to avoid. If you find yourself avoiding an…
Categories: Communicating, Friendships, My Relationships

Cultivating Self-Love

Want to build your confidence, self-esteem, and wellness? It all starts with self-love. Self-love is key to taking care of ourselves, because we tend to take better care of the things we love. Self-love means accepting yourself exactly where you are in life at this moment, with compassion, love and…
Categories: My Mind, Self Esteem

Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships

We all have relationships with a variety of people, including friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, teachers, and mentors. When these relationships are healthy, they are based on respect, honesty, trust, and good communication. We feel safe, supported, happy, and good about ourselves. Sometimes, though, our relationships can be unhealthy. Unhealthy relationships…
Categories: Dating, Friendships, My Relationships, Unhealthy Relationships

Food as Medicine

Indigenous teachings and ways of living kept our peoples well for centuries. By reconnecting with our traditional practices, like eating sacred foods, doing traditional movements, singing our songs, and speaking our languages, we can be mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually strong. The food we consume is so much more than…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body

Mindfulness Meditation

Sometimes everyday stress can get to you. For some of us, it feels like our minds jump from one anxious thought to the next. We might even notice our heart racing and our breathing getting faster.Mindfulness meditation is a tool you can use to quiet your mind, calm your body,…
Categories: Cultivating Good Mental Health, My Mind

Is My Relationship Healthy?

All relationships exist on a spectrum from healthy to abusive with unhealthy somewhere in the middle. Check out the Relationship Spectrum to see where your relationship falls. And don’t miss the ‘how to’ video in the upper, right-hand corner for some context on what we mean by “healthy,” “unhealthy” and…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, My Relationships, Unhealthy Relationships

Resources for Exploring your Sexual Identity

Your sexual orientation will emerge over time, probably little by little. Don’t rush to label yourself. Right now the best thing you can do is give it time and explore and experience your sexual feelings with an open mind. Here are some great resources to help you learn more about…
Categories: My Relationships, Sexual Identity