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Self-care is key for taking care of ourselves and achieving our life’s purpose. When we are connected to others and mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually balanced, we are able to make good decisions and move through the world with our goals in mind. When we are not balanced, anxiety, self-doubt,…
Categories: Building Mental Resilience, Cultivating Good Mental Health, My Mind

Tips for Moving Beyond Blood Quantum

We know blood quantum, or “how much Native blood you have,” isn’t a good way of determining how Indigenous someone is. The truth is though that this racist concept has been with us for a long time. So how do we move beyond blood quantum? Here are some ideas: Gather…
Categories: Identity and Native Pride, My Culture

Blood Quantum Blues

“So… how much Native are you?” The dreaded question every Indigenous person has been asked. Blood quantum or “how much Native blood you have” is a concept that has been with us for many years, but have you ever wondered where it comes from? The idea of blood quantum was…
Categories: Identity and Native Pride, My Culture

What Is Tribal Consultation?

Tribes are nations that have the right to make decisions about how they govern and protect their people on tribal lands. This right is called “tribal sovereignty.” Tribal sovereignty isn’t a right that the federal government “gave” to tribes; it is something we have always possessed. One way the federal…
Categories: Identity and Native Pride, My Culture, Sovereignty


Treating ourselves with compassion can have a big impact on the quality of our lives, our relationships, and our wellbeing. But sometimes it can be challenging to be kind to ourselves, and thoughts like “you’re a failure” or “no one likes you” may creep in. Practicing self-compassion is one way…
Categories: Building Mental Resilience, Cultivating Good Mental Health, My Mind