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The Judicial Branch

Sometimes, an advocacy group, business, church, or even a group of individuals may challenge a law. This is where the Judicial Branch comes in. The Judicial Branch is made up of the Supreme Court and other “lower” federal courts across the nation. Federal courts handle cases when the U.S. government…
Categories: My Culture, Sovereignty, Take Action

The Executive Branch

After a bill passes both the House of Representatives and the Senate, the President must sign the bill before it becomes a law. The President is part of the Executive Branch, which implements and enforces laws. The Executive Branch includes the President, Vice President, the Cabinet (made up of the…
Categories: My Culture, Sovereignty, Take Action

The Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch of the U.S. federal government makes laws. The Legislative Branch is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Together these form the U.S. Congress. First, a bill is created by a Member of Congress. A bill that is passed by both the House of…
Categories: My Culture, Sovereignty, Take Action

Advocacy in the Three Branches of Government

The United States federal government is divided into three branches: the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Each branch plays a different role in creating, implementing, enforcing, and interpreting laws. It’s important to learn how each branch works so we know how to best influence policy and…
Categories: My Culture, Sovereignty, Take Action

Lessons From Standing Rock

In 2016, the water protectors at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation created worldwide awareness of Indigenous rights and environmental justice in a way that few movements have before. As the world and Indian Country watched, thousands of water protectors rallied to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which…
Categories: Land, My Environment, Take Action, Water

We Are More Than a Mascot

Native American mascots are one of the more controversial topics when it comes to sports leagues today. Allies for their continued use argue that the representations honor Native cultures and peoples. Opponents say that they reinforce harmful stereotypes, damage the mental health of Native people, and contribute to the “invisibility”…
Categories: Identity and Native Pride, My Culture

Native Cultural Appropriation

Cultural appropriation is when someone from the dominant culture (i.e. the most visible and accepted culture in a society) takes aspects of an oppressed culture (one experiencing any form of repeated or prolonged discrimination) without permission. Cultural appropriation can be seen in everything from hair styles, to music, movies, TV,…
Categories: Identity and Native Pride, My Culture

What is Trauma?

Trauma is a distressing experience that can impact us emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Because everyone is different, potentially traumatic situations affect everyone differently. That is why it is important to respect each person’s experience. How Trauma Happens Trauma can happen when a person is involved in a situation where…
Categories: Mental Health Difficulties, My Mind

Healing From Trauma

After you experience trauma, it might seem like you will never feel better again. You might feel on edge and be reminded of the trauma throughout the day. It might impact many parts of your life. Fortunately, healing is possible. As with other things in life, there are many paths…
Categories: Building Mental Resilience, Cultivating Good Mental Health, My Mind

Honor Your Needs

To give yourself the energy you need when you face a difficult moment, focus on meeting your basic needs: Sleep – Create a calm bedtime routine and try to stick to a daily sleep schedule. Eating – Have regular healthy meals and snacks to give you energy. Relaxation – Pick…
Categories: Building Mental Resilience, Cultivating Good Mental Health, My Mind