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Shutting Down Slut Shamers

Enjoying sex or openly expressing your sexuality doesn’t make you a “slut.” It makes you human. However, some people might try to shame you. But, come on! Everyone should be able to express their sexuality and acknowledge that sex is pleasurable without fear.   Here’s how to shut down slut shamers…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, Becoming Independent, Bullying Prevention, Communicating, Dating violence and sexual assault, Life Hacks, My Life, My Relationships, Sexual Identity

Access to Abortion

The overturning of Roe v. Wade has caused concern about safe access to abortion. State Access Today, individual States have the power to decide if abortion is legal in their state. Click here to learn if abortion is still legal in your state. IHS Access Indian Health Service (IHS) rarely…
Categories: My Relationships, Pregnancy, Sexual Health

How to Use the Pill

The birth control pill (“the pill”) is simple to use and can prevent pregnancy up to 99% of the time if you take it as planned. But exactly how do you use it, and why does it work? There are two types of pills you can use: The combination pill…
Categories: Birth Control, My Relationships, Sexual Health

Getting Tested for HIV

If you’re thinking about getting tested for HIV, it’s normal to have questions about the process. It’s also normal to feel a wide range of emotions. This article is designed to help you understand the process of getting tested for HIV. Why should I consider getting tested? Today we have…
Categories: My Relationships, Sexual Health, STDs

Here’s What You Should Know About Body Sovereignty

You may have heard that Tribal Nations have sovereignty. This means that they have power and authority to govern their people and lands. Each Tribal Nation is unique and goes about this in different ways.   Body sovereignty is a similar concept, but means that you, as an individual, have full…
Categories: Abuse and Violence, Becoming Independent, Communicating, Dating violence and sexual assault, My Body, My Relationships, Relationships and Dating, Sexual Health

Why is fentanyl dangerous?

Everyone is talking about fentanyl, and for good reason; it’s more common than most think, and the rates of accidental overdoses are the leading cause of death for 18 to 45 year old’s. I’ll give you the Cliffs Notes: What is fentanyl? Why is fentanyl dangerous? How common is fentanyl?…
Categories: My Mind, Substance Abuse

Tribal Sovereignty is Everything

Tribal sovereignty is important to who we are as Indigenous people, but its meaning is different depending on who you talk to. To learn about Tribal sovereignty from both a legal and personal perspective, we interviewed Stacy Leeds – a citizen of the Cherokee Nation and former law professor, judge,…
Categories: My Impact, Sovereignty

An Advocate Within

Advice from a Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Member Working in Congress About Getting Involved and Advocating for Your People To influence policies that impact our people and lands, it’s important that Native youth learn how to be effective advocates. To gather more information about this important topic, I spoke…
Categories: Making a Difference, My Impact

The Land & Ancestral Wellness Wisdom

Much of our knowledge as Indigenous people comes from the land: our medicines, foods, ceremonies, and even our languages are connected to the land. Although colonization changed this connection for many of us, we have the power to grow and strengthen our relationship. In settler-colonial nations like the United States…
Categories: Land, My Culture, My Environment

Self-Love Made Me Do It

When a candle is lit, the fire comes from another source- whether it be from a lighter, match, or another candle. Our wellness is similar to this. In order to help others or give our energy away, we need to have a strong internal flame. This means it is necessary…
Categories: Feeling Good, My Mind