Did you know National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week is January 22-28?
During the week, you can help SHATTER THE MYTHS about drug abuse. With 15% of 12th graders reporting abuse of prescription drugs in the past year, and 22.7% reporting marijuana use in the past month, there is no better time to learn the real impact of drug and alcohol use.
- Test your knowledge about drugs and alcohol by taking the IQ challenge, then get the facts.
- Visit teens.drugabuse.gov/drug-facts and then learn more about substance abuse.
- Play some BINGO. The caller (teacher, RA, mentor) will call out a vocabulary word from the sheet provided and then will read the description that follows the word. The point of this game is to educate players about certain topics and facts surrounding drug and alcohol use.
- Spread the word, SHATTER THE MYTHS!! Share a post on social media, send a snap, whatever you do, make sure to spread the word using #NDAFW and drop some knowledge
- Stay connected with We R Native for more details as the week unfolds.