The saying goes that you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family. Sometimes a family member can be your immediate family, or an uncle, auntie, cousin or grandparent. Everyone has a different definition of who their family is, but all families have their ups and downs.
Establishing Healthy Boundaries with Family
Family relationships can be beautiful but tricky to navigate at times. Learning...
PSA This Relationship Advice is Actually Genius
Relationships – whether they are with our family members, friends, or significant...
Culture is Prevention – Sarah
Supporting A Loved One
It can be painful watching those we love struggle. We may feel...
Arguing With Your Parents
Don’t get along with your parents or guardians? Often arguing and feel...
BRAVE: Episode 5
Fighting With Your Sibling
Sometimes, the hardest people to get along with can be the people...
Getting Along With Your Sibling
Although it might feel impossible sometimes, many siblings grow up to be...
BRAVE: Episode 2
Holidays With Your Family
The holidays are a busy time for many families. There are many...
You might face a range of issues when you become part of...
Sunhawk / Managing Stress
When You Need Help: Your Family Can be There for You
Sometimes when you go through a tough time, you may need someone...
When Your Parents Break-Up
As family relationships change, there may be a lot of adjusting to...
Shante’s grandma has been there for her through thick and thin. She...
Worried About Someone Feeling Depressed
When a friend or family member is feeling down for a long...
Indigenous Story Studio
Indigenous Story Studio creates illustrations, posters, video and comic books on health...
Cierra, Yankton Sioux, shares her struggles with friendships in school. She shares...
Getting Help For Drug Use
I CONTROL MY BODY Haida warrior: Anthony discusses his experience living in...