I have to prick my finger to collect my sample, what are some tips and tricks for collecting my sample?

Here are five tips for collecting your finger prick blood sample.

  1. Ask a friend or relative for help. If you’re feeling faint or anxious?  
  2. Hydrate! Being well hydrated before testing is important and will make it easier to gather your sample …and good hydration makes your skin glow! 🙂
  3. Warm your Hands! To warm them up, wash them in warm water hold a warm water bottle, or do some push-ups, if you’re able!
  4. Sample your opposite hand. If you are right-handed, you might want to take the sample from your left hand and vice versa.
  5. Increase blood flow to your fingers. Remember gravity is your friend. Let your hands hang low to your side and swing them like you’re dancing women’s traditional. You can also massage your finger from the base to the tip before and during sample collection.

Don’t worry if you cannot collect enough blood from your first prick. Your kit has extra lancets. Take a deep breath and try again.

You’ve got this!

Cousin Jared

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