Why are Native Americans offended by the use of school Mascots like “Indians” where it’s used as a symbol of pride, strength, good luck, and lifelong connection among alumni? No disrespect is, or was, ever intended. Some schools have had mascots like this for over 50 years and now there are efforts to destroy them and the memories and history they represent. Why?

Thanks for writing in! This is such a great and timely question. For me, it’s a matter of individual perspective. When we group people and say that all Native Americans are offended by mascots it is incorrect. When we see people as a group, it takes away from knowing that…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Activism, Intolerance, Life Tips, Non-Native Allies

Dear Auntie, what are you grateful for this year?

I love this question! In reflecting back on this crazy year, one thing that stuck with me was when we first started hearing and preparing for COVID, I, probably alongside most of the world, was looking at the world infection maps. Maps that showed varying sizes of red dots indicating…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: 2SLGBTQ, Activism, Culture and Language, Education, Identity, Intolerance, Life Tips, Mental Health, Non-Native Allies, Physical Health, Relationships, Sexual Health, Spirituality